I was here

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Mono's POV:
After our arrival, I notice Dracula acting strange well he is a very strange person but he just seemed to be worried about something.

"Ay Dracula we don't bite okay" I said jokingly

But Dracula stares at us with a bothered look

"Tough crowd" I whispered under my breath

"Let's head instead, I'm not a big fan of those blood sucking creatures" Mugi said

"What" Dracula said with the same bothered look on his face.

"Mosquitoes" me and mugi said in sync, confused by his repetitive behavior.

"Oh" He replied

As I rushed towards the door, Dracula shouts "LOOK OUT!!" Turning around as fast as I could. I slightly see an arrow dashing towards Mugi and in what felt like less than a second. Dracula grabs Mugi and disappears into the woods.

I rush off the porch, wide eyed, speechless.

Then some girl runs out the woods, after seeing the arrow and how fast Dracula went. I start to slowly head back to the cabin door.

"Hey I was sent here by Fangs, Ur safe" the girl said.

"Who is that" I said

"The boy you were just with" she replied

"Oh Dracula" I whispered

"Dracula? Uhh never mind, let's just go"

So she walks towards me, snaps, and all of a sudden I'm standing beside noticing a patch on Mugi's neck who seemed flustered for some reason.

"How? Why?" I said to question wondering how I- got here.

Did that girl just teleport us..

"You're safe here" Dracula starts to speak

"Should we erase there memories" the girl starts to say.

"RENMA" he says suddenly frustrated by her words.

Renma... that's not a bad name I guess.

"Look fangs it's the best thing to do, I don't care if you like one of em" she said looking directly at mugi.

Surprised by the sudden comment,
I look at Mugi and Dracula, noticing them both looking down.

I wonder if something happen between them once they left.

Mugi's POV:

Walking behind mono

I hear Dracula shout "LOOK OUT"
Turning towards the side of the cabin I see an arrow but In the same second I feel myself be picked up, air rushing past me.

"Your good you can open you're eyes" Dracula says. Noticing that our faces were BARELY apart and that I was hanging onto him like a KOALA, literally had my legs around his waist and his hands holding up my-

"You can get off now" he said interrupting my train of thought.

"Oh sorry" I said while looking down, feeling my face getting warmer.

"Follow me" he said walking into another room, following him he continues on to say "get on the bed" I said "WHAT" obviously thinking what any other person would think.

He then continues on to say " to check your wounds" and adds on to say " what were you thinking?" with a smirk on his face.

Embarrassed by my unexpected outburst, I sit down

Dracula turning around, standing right in front of me now. "You have to scoot back and lay down"

Lay down to check my wounds? Umm

"Okay" I replied, avoiding eye contact but doing as he said.

He slowly gets on the bed, hovering over me.

"Move your head up a bit more"

"OW shit that hurts" I said feeling a sharp pain as soon as I move my head up

"Yeah and this might hurt a bit more so close your eyes" he said

"What? Why? What's gonna hurt more???"
I said reluctantly

"Just trust me" he said

Closing my eyes, I start to feel the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life, on my neck.
Feeling my self go weak and everything goes black.

"I hope I pass this test I think to myself"
Hearing the door suddenly open, I see Dracula walk in and sit directly behind my seat as he always did, even though his friends were all in the back right corner In the classroom-

"Mugi" I hear someone whisper

"Wake up mugi"
Opening my eyes, i see Dracula still hovering over me, just staring at me looking worried.

"What happen?" I said

He replied saying " nothing I just had to get some thing out your system, you just had....just some kind of poison, I had to extract....that's all and you passed out.

"Well of course, you couldn't put me under something, jeez" I replied sarcastically

"Try being grateful I just saved your fucking life" He replied sounding frustrated

"I was joking" I said trying to get off the bed.

"Can you move a bit so I can stand" said waiting for him to move.

But instead he just stared at me in silence,

He again picks me up like he did before and rushes me to the room we were in before. Instead now Mono was here and there were some other girl standing by her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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