The Nightmare

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Yuki was stuck in a nightmare she couldn't wake up from. She saw herself using her genjutsu on a man and then she lost it, collapsing into Wolf. She asked him if she had let him down, but he never answered. Now she was running after him in her dream, calling his name, but he never stopped or turning around to answer her. Yuki began crying, begging Wolf to stay with her. He stopped unexpectedly, turning to her in silence. She finally made her way to him, reaching out to him. He pulled away from her, turned his back and walked away.

"Wolf!!" Yuki sunk to her knees screaming and the space fell into darkness again.

Iruka watched as Yuki struggled in her unconscious state. She was tossing and turning, her face looked as if she would cry. She must be having the worst dreams right now. Iruka placed a damp cloth on her forehead and sat back in his chair. This may be the hardest thing I have ever had to witness. I can't help you Yuki, you have to battle back!


The night slowly crept in and Yuki was in the same state, moving about with a look of pure distress on her face. Iruka sat, arms folded tightly to his chest. He could think of nothing to do during the time he sat by Yuki's side and he dared not leave in case something were to happen. I hope Kakashi is not in too much trouble.

He glanced back to Yuki with a small smile, He risked a lot for you today Yuki, though you'll never know it. You'll only know that an ANBU named Wolf was there to save you and, of course, got himself in trouble with the Hokage.


Iruka began to nod off, he was trying his best not to, but it was almost 3 in the morning. As his head began to fall he felt a hand grab his shoulder causing him to jump awake. He stood and turned to see who was behind him.

"I'll stay with her now." Kakashi was standing behind him in full ANBU attire.

"Are you sure? You've had a long day and now that you've scared me awake I think I can handle the rest of the night." Iruka tried his best to give Kakashi a small laugh, but it was no use. They both were too concerned about Yuki to think of anything else.

"I informed the Hokage if he needs me I'll be right here." Kakashi took the seat from Iruka and crossed his arms

"Did you just leave the Hokage?!"

"Not too long ago, he had a lot to say." Kakashi said with a sarcastic laugh

"How much trouble are you in?" Iruka looked down at Kakashi

"Enough." His answer was angry and Iruka knew that Kakashi's tone said it all

"I really don't mind staying."

"Iruka please, I will stay. I promise to send for you if I need you." Iruka shrugged and turned to leave, but paused at the door.

"She's been having nightmares it seems. Tossing and turning, the look on her face seems like she wants to cry." Iruka looked toward Yuki with a frown and left.

I can't help you with your nightmares right now Yuki, but when you wake up I promise I'll protect you from everything that will be in your path. Just come back to me Yuki, please.

Kakashi watched as Yuki began to move, tossing back and forth. The pained look on her face was so hard for Kakashi to see, he knew he could do nothing but wait it out. Hopefully she would be awake soon, she had to wake up. If she didn't Kakashi didn't know what he would do, but he knew his path of destruction would have no limits that he could guarantee!

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