Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty,

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You questioned

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"Why are you looking at me like that?" You questioned.

Jungkook didn't notice you turned around and caught him staring, he looked away and cleaned his throat wishing you wouldn't notice his troubled face. It was still a mystery to him why he was the only person that can lie and you wouldn't even question, sometimes he made his lies so obvious to see your reaction yet again........ You didn't react. And more importantly, you were the opposite of what Taehyung has told him, as if you had two personalities. One for everyone else and one for only him. "You looked so beautiful, that's why!" He smiled and started to walk toward you. I need to be careful.

"T-thank you." You swallowed your breath and looked back at the scene, a little embarrassed. You knew you were considered beautiful but at the moment? Woken up only a few hours ago after barely sleeping, no makeup, and your hair a mess ... Yet a very handsome man was calling you beautiful and didn't lie about it?

This made you shy a little.

'He's making you feel like that a look lately' she remarked.

I know.

"Do you want a snack? We can eat while we wait for the sun to rise!" Jungkook suggested and showed you the small bag he kept in the bike's box.

"Yeah, why not?" You nodded.

"Let's sit then!" He added then casually sat on the ground. Your eyes widened for a second but quickly recovered. I bet he doesn't care if his clothes get dirty. "What? Aren't you gonna sit?"

You rolled your eyes and sighed, then joined him on the floor. "I was going to comment about you sitting on the dirty ground like that but I decided not to." You said and he chuckled.

"You shouldn't have told me that either then." He shook his head then took two packs of chips and handed you one which you gladly accept. "We can just dust them out, it's not that dirty. And even if the clothes get dirty, isn't it worth it?" He looked around and you immediately followed his gaze.

The empty road and the view of the mountains from afar, the cold yet refreshing air, and the beautiful sky that's slowly getting some color to welcome its bright star, it was such a calm and beautiful scenery to wake up and start your day with.

"It is." You mumbled and smiled, "You said I will thank you later..... Guess you were right."

He chuckled and took the chips into his mouth, "won't you thank me then? Maybe a little reward too?"

He chuckled and took the chips into his mouth, "won't you thank me then? Maybe a little reward too?"

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