Chapter 12

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The twins mom ⬆️⬆️

Pov Kira-

-She doesn't like me ? -

"So is this supposed to be your mate?" She said with her nose high up in the air.

As soon as those words left her mouth a growl erupts from my mates. I put my head down in shame. Was I really that bad of a mate for them? Am I not good enough? I feel someone slide there finger under my chin tilting my head up. Alex leans down and places a kiss on my lips. My first kiss with my mate. Mnnnn it was everything , it's like all at once my anxiety just washed off of me.

" you are perfect kitten, don't think anything else."

I smile as him feeling reassured my smile drops as soon as I turn to see Xavier loosing control of his human form. His nails started to extend long past his finger tips.

" how dare you say that about OUR mate!" He says in anger.

Quickly there father jumps in and pushes Xavier away from his mother.

" calm yourself son!" He says holding his hands in-front of him trying to make distance between my mate and his mother. 

I run up to Xavier and put my arms around his.

"It's alright daddy I'm fine see!" I say holding him tightly.

He calmed down picking me up onto his hip.

" let's all go sit down and talk okay?" Says my mates father.

We all make our way into the living room the two boys leaning onto the furniture. Me and my mates take a seat on the couch across from my mates parents. I take a moment to look at them. The women has long black hair slicked back into a pony at the back of her head. She's wearing very fancy clothes and a sparkly gold watch. Her blouse was buttoned up all the way to the top button. The man with her looked more timid then you would imagine for being the past alpha before the boys. I tried not to make any judgments though he seems very sweet as I was looking him up and down trying to feel out the situation. I make eye contact with him and he gives me a warm smile. Well it's good to know at least one of my mates parents like me.

The man kind of reminded me of my own father gentle and kind. I feel bad for my mates they probably didn't expect their mother to be so against me.

" I would like to apologize for my behaviour earlier. Its just that I was becoming familiar with the red head who I thought was my sons mate. So to meet someone who looks a lot different then that. Caught me off Guard." She said lowering her head exposing her neck. 

I couldn't tell if this was a sincere apology or a fake one. I'm not going to let my guard down just yet. I have to be certain that she doesn't have malicious intentions when it comes to me being the mate of her sons. I nodded and smiled at her sweetly.

" it's otay I understand !" I say giving her one of my famous toothy smiles.

Both Alex and Xavier start petting me when I turn to look at them there smiling down at me sweetly. Almost as if there silently telling me. "We are proud of you" for forgiving there mother. I nuzzle into there touches. Savouring every bit of it. I got so distracted by the attention I was receiving from them, that I didn't notice them carrying out a convo with there family.

"-well that's great my sons, we are happy your happy with your new little one" there father says with a genuine smile.

" a new little one ? You say that like we had one before kira. We never did. Kelly just acted like she was because once she found out we were looking for our mate who we were hoping would also be a little. She thought oh this would be the perfect time to step up to the batter i guess." Says Alex ,With a look of distaste.

They all nod as if understanding what he was meaning. I didn't like Kelly the thought of her alone made me make a sour face. She was mean and rude and tried to steal MY daddies from me! Ugh I'm happy I won't have to see her agin ...
Everything else went very smoothly that afternoon. I got to meet the boys who were around my age one was named Derek and the other Daniel. Turns out there not also a set of twins ! They just look a lot like each-other Derek  is actually older then Daniel by two years. So they had the boys just back to back from each-other. I thought that was neat that they were around my age that means we could all maybe play games together! And be friends. Daniel was 16 and Derek was 18.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I'm all of a suddenly picked up by Alex and placed on his hip. We all begin heading to the dinning hall.
Once we arrive the sweet smells hit my nose and my mouth drops. Along this big table was all of this yummy looking food there was chicken,steak, potatoes,corn , beans,fresh bread and so much more ! I didn't even know how hungry I was ! But it was a lot. We all take our seats with my mates and me at the head of the table. And his family members falling on either sides.

At the head of the table I was placed between the twins in a high chair. They both set an empty plate onto the table in-front of my and begin cutting up different food into bite size pieces and placing it onto my plate.
I could hardly wait and I began trying to stab the pieces onto my small fork. Right before I could put the potato piece into my mouth Alex swatted my hand, taking away my fork.

"Wait a minute baby I know your hungry but your to little right Now to feed yourself." He said.

As soon as he said that I began whining at the sentence. I'm hungryyyyy and tired ! I don't want to wait.

"Stop your whining pet" said xavier.

The sentence just made me more upset. I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes. Then all of a sudden I felt a small pinch on my thigh. Ouch ! I opened my mouth to say. But then in swooped Alex feeling me a spoon full of peas. I made a noise of satisfaction at getting to eat my food. And I smiled and happily munched away.
That's how most of the dinner was spent with the boys going back and forth feeding me well also feeding themselves. At the end of the dinner I was a mess. I had food all over my face and all on my clothes. My white top now stained. With the different sauces.

" baby this is why we told you to stop grabbing food " said Alex. Whipping my face with a napkin.

I smile at him very proud that I was able to sneak some food when they were engaging in small talk with their family. Or taking bites for themselves.

" I can take her to go get cleaned up!" Chirped Mary the twins mom. I was nervous as soon as the words left her mouth. What if she be's mean when she gets me alone to herself. The boys and I didn't have much time to protest before she strode over and picked me up. Taking me into the bathroom. For some
"Clean up"

Hey guys hope you enjoyed ! I worked really hard on trying to make no spelling errors. I'm dyslexic so that's why it sometimes takes me a bit to produce chapters ! A huge Thankyou to you all for staying so patient with me it means a lot. And can't wait to write more chapters.!

-love Kira 💜

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