Bonus (2)

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This bonus chapter is gonna be about Ben and Elijah.

Also this will be the last chapter I will write a smut scene on. Like I've said before you can ignore it obviously if you don't want to read it.

Upcoming bonus chapters will not have any as I finished writing smuts for the ones I got requests for :)

Enjoy ;)


Elijah's POV:

I'm gonna be late for this meeting!

I rush to my closet to get dressed as I just showered. I get my clothes and hurry so that I can get some time to eat or else Enzo will blast at me.

I get my phone, my bag and check the documents and stuff and rush downstairs.

I ran into the kitchen and saw Ales and Enzo already there eating. They look at me when I come in.

"Good morning lijah", They both smile at me.

"Yeah you too", I said in hurry as I grab few pancakes Enzo made and some juice.

"What's up with you?", Ales looked at me amused.

"I'm getting late for that meeting I have today. You know how important it is for our legal business and I'm trying to get there on time!", I said hogging.

Enzo grimaced looking at me.

"Oh yeah, Ben told me about that yesterday. He assisting you in this right?", Ales asked curiously.

I nod stuffing my face with food.

"Lijah slowly", Enzo frowned.

I nod at him and drink some liquid to ease all the food down.

"The proposal you came up with me for this meeting is perfect Elijah. Don't bend or change it. Try to persuade the party to deal in this", Ales said to me.

I nod chewing fast.

"Lijah slowly", Enzo sighed grimacing.

"Yes. Enzo. Slow and slow see. Don't worry I'm not gonna choke", I smile softly to assure him.

"I'm not worried about you choking. I'm worried about the beautiful delicious food that I made which is not supposed to be eaten that way", Enzo pouts sadly at my pancakes.

Ales bit his lip and covered his mouth to not laugh while I openly gawked at Enzo pausing the intake of food.

"It's massacred literally", Enzo frowned like a kid.

I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. After 15 seconds Enzo looked up at me with a smile.

"There you go. I wanted you to pause from all the stuffing. You're gonna choke while eating and talking at the same time, so the only way to stop that my brother was to distract you, even if that means insulting you", Enzo shrugged proudly.

I smile shaking my head. Ales laughed.

Aww he's so sweet.

I smile eating slowly. Soon I finished my food and then hurried up to leave. I pat Ales and Enzo on the back as I walk out.

"Bye. All the best. I believe in you lijah! Tell Ben the same!", Ales yells out.

"Okay!", I said fast walking to the door.

"It's gonna be awesome Elijah. Don't worry! You'll crack the deal! Please drive slow!", Enzo yelled out as well.

I smile and yelled out a thanks.

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