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14. Down The Rabbit Hole

Damon groaned in pain, as the vervain ropes around his neck and wrists burned him, and kept him tied to the tree.

The hunter who had captured Damon, looked at him, "Is something bothering you?".

"Would you believe me if I said mosquitoes?" Damon asked sarcastically.

"Aye, I would" the hunter replied, "How's it feel when an relentless eating machine is draining blood from your veins?".

"Itchy" Damon replied.

"Your friends in Mystic Falls think you're funny, Damon?".

"You obviously know who I am and where I'm from" Damon said, "Have you been spying on me?".

"Aye, I have" the hunter replied, "You and Kol, your witch Aria, you need her to cast the spell written on your pal Jeremy's Hunter's Mark, the tattoo that looks exactly like this", the mysterious hunter showed Damon his hunters mark.

"You wanna know something, just ask" Damon snapped.

"I've been killing vampires my entire life" the hunter said, "Still, this thing refused to reveal itself to me, that was, until four days ago, when it magically completed for no apparent reason".

"Come on, man, do I look like I know anything about tattoos?" Damon asked, "Look at my skin, it's flawless".

"Ah, you're not taking me seriously" the hunter said, "I don't blame you, you don't know me" the hunter placed a metal rod just below Damon's neck, "So let me introduce myself", he stabbed Damon in the neck, making him grunt in pain, "My name is Galen Vaughn, and you better start talking".


"Tell me you're not serious" Caroline told Rebekah.

"You think I'll joke about something like this" Rebekah said into the phone, "When me and Kol got back from looking for Jeremy, Shane, Aria and Damon were all missing".

"We think Shane took Ri and Jeremy" Kol said, "He needs Ri to cast the spell on Jeremy's tattoo that will led them to the cure and ultimately to Silas and Damien, I knew there was something wrong about the guy, should have never left him alone here".

"Well, where's Damon in all this?" Caroline asked.

"We don't know" Rebekah replied, "Me and Kol went to the beach to check on him where we saw signs of a struggle".

"Meaning what?" Caroline asked concerned.

"Meaning while Jeremy and Ri are with stuck with Shane, Damon has been captured by someone else" Kol replied.

"How do you know it's not Shane who took Damon?" Caroline asked.

"Because that would be stupid of him" Kol replied, "Damon hates Shane, he would have killed Shane by now, and Shane knows that,plus his not strong enough to take Damon on".

"And we're sure Shane took Jeremy and Aria?" Caroline asked.

Rebekah and Kol exchanged an uneasy look, "We're not sure Caroline" Rebekah replied, "But it's better then thinking about the other alternate".

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