Stefan- Cheated

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Request: Could you do one where Stefan finds Caroline cheating on him with Klaus and he gets really upset, hurt and angry and later at night he goes back home and Damon was really worried because it is so late and asks Stefan what's wrong but he doesn't say anything he keeps saying his fine but keeps persisting hin until eventually he tells him what happened and Damon even tho he is angry with Caroline .comforts Stefan reminding him that Caroline and Elena might left him but he never will then they spend the rest of the night watching movies and playing games.

Stefans POV

I'm sitting on the ground in my bathroom. It's 2am in the morning and I'm drunk as hell. Today or yesterday was Caroline's and mine's anniversary. So i went to a shop and bought flower for her. I bought her some beautiful sunflowers and some roses. After that i went to her house, i was about to step inside but i heard moaning sounds...
so i went up to her room and then i heard the voice of a man, Klaus.
She cheated on me with KLAUS?!
Then i walked to the Mystic Grill and drunk way too much alcohol...
I didn't wanted to woke up Damon because i know how worried he was so i went through the basement. Which worked pretty well by the way but now i'm sitting on the floor in y bathroom. Suddenly i throw up. After i threw up i got up and went straight to my bed. But on the way I accidentally walked into the table and injured my toe and threw my favorite cup down. I hope that Damon don't woke up.
But my hopes were hopeless, probably 5 seconds after that Damon stood right before me. Great.
,, THANK GOD STEFAN WHERE WERE YOU?!'' he pulls me into a warm hug immediately.
,, do you have an idea what time it is ?! I called you soooo many times, you could have at least answering it or you could have wrote me an email! What is wrong? did something happened ?'' he asked me.
i sign.
,, Everything is Fine Damon i-I just drank something at the grill that's all.''
,, really? you are a bad liar Stef. tell me what is wrong please. i need to know!''
,, please leave me alone.... i— I just want to forget...''
,, what do you want to forget ? Did you killed someone?''
,,NO, please just stop!''
thta was the last thing I  said to him, i began to walk back to my bed. But Damon as he is kept asking me questions.
Now I'm losing it..


,, CAROLINE CHEATED ON ME ON OUR ANNIVERSARY!!!!!'' he screamed at me.
What? Caroline cheated on Stefan? oh god my poor baby brother.... i can't believe it! How could someone cheat on Stefan ? That's impossible.
,, oh Stef come here..'' i bought him into a warm hug. He's crying on my shoulder.
,, why did she cheated on me?''
,, i don't know Stef... sometimes humans do stupid things that they end up regretting..'' i whispered him in his ear.
,, but she's a vampire.'' he tells me between sobbing.
I chuckled
,, the sometimes vampires do stupid things too.''
We kept talking for a few hours. I felt so bad, he didn't deserve it. So after we talked and played some games, i finally got him to sleep.
The i began to walk straight to Caroline! To give her a message that I'm sure she will never forget!
,, listen to me! Do want you want! I don't care what you to! But if you break Stefans heart it's over ! YOU CHEATED ON HIM !!!! I swear to god Caroline if you only dare to come near him for the next 2 Weeks, i promise you, you're dead ! How could you do this to him ?!'' she was about to answer me but i interrupt her
,, NO keep it to yourself ! For the next 2 Weeks i don't want to see your face or see you near my brother! Got it!''
She nodded and looked at me with glassy eyes.
As i walked back home i went to the supermarket to buy some ice cream. The day was long but then i arrived at home i put the ice cream in the fidget and went back to Stefan, to see him sleep peacefully makes me smile, especially after everything he went through. I layer down next to him and fall asleep too.

HEY GUYS !!!!!
I am sooooo sorry for not posting almost a moths ago....but since school took so much time from me i couldn't find the time to write...
This week we wrote 6 tests so yeah I'm exhausted 😓😴😩
But anyways i will do my best to post more this weeks !!!
I cannot promise but i will do my best!!!
Anyways i hope you guys had a good day and that y'all are healthy and safe!
With love A❤️

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