25. Last Chapter

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After and hour of running they are the clearing. The smell was of rogues.

And by the looks of it Max was right the did have a campsight set up and was packing up.

Mateo used his wolf hearing and heard Matt somewhere around the back.

While Max was making a plan in his head...after making his plans, he told the rest of his pack what the plan was and now they're taking it into action.

While back near the packhouse in the woods, the trackers found an old shack probably underground... Dad used his sensitive hearing to listen for any noise what's so ever..he heard whimpering and shouting.

"The noise is coming from the shack ...get the tranquilizers ready and lets go."

They made there way inside quietly. When they went inside they saw a door that was cracked and heard fainted noises.

" -ou took him away from me..we were supposed to be together but then you showed up and took that away and had a kid together and you took what was mine.."

"Maxen was never yours to begin with.."


"Don't you ever say that"

Dad made his way to the door and held his hand up to not strike yet?

Tamra made her directly infront of Blaire who was tied up in a chair then Dad drop his telling them to shoot the tranquilizers.

One of them missed and she saw it. Tamra turned around with wide eyes and took off through the door on the other side...

Little did she knew that three warriors where on the other side pointing to the door waiting for her. She stopped where she was and start complaining " its not my fault she took him from me i had to do something." One of them grabbed her by the arm and tied them arond the back.

While inside Dad untied Blaire and lift her up fireman style. And her out and they walked to the pack house with the prisoner as well.

Back at the clearing Max was facing offwith the man who took Matt...

"I see you got my note..."

" Yes i got your 'note'....and i want my son back"

"This is where i say no cause he's my property sold to me for personal purposes."

"And what makes you think you're gonna walk out here with my on alive?"

"That's because i am..you see you're surrounding and even if you make a sudden move your dead..."

"Daddy i want to come home..." Matt said still in his PJ'S.

"I know baby boy and i will get you home."

" you guys know where am at. TeAr It DoWn everything."

And just like that the fight began. Blood here, slashes there over bearing teeths and snarls..

(Idk how to write a fight scene so just bare with me)

During all of that the manage to escape but not for long meaning Mateo blocked his path from going any further while snarling..

Seconds later, Maxen's wolf Keir, made a jump in the air and had the man's head in between his teeth.

Putting pressure on i the man became scream and later he was no more alive.

All the other rogues were also, no one injured.

Matt made his way over to his dad and started to cry.

"Its ok baby, Daddy's here and we are going home to see Momma okay." And Matt nodded.

*time skip *

At the packhouse everyone was there especially Blaire wide awake and Emery and Rae...

They were so glad to see that the men were ok and Max was glad to see that they were okay too...he went up and gave Blaire a big ole sloppy kiss saying thinking that she was okay. His family was okay. And he was glad he had Family Beyond Family.

And that's a wrap the book is finished....how'd you like it...

As said there'll be no sequel cause the hell i wouldn't know what to write...

But i hope you enjoy this book so much

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