Little Bird

137 12 77

By marissa-lynn

( The author of the books mentioned in the chapters are always tagged on top of the picture for your convenience )

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( The author of the books mentioned in the chapters are always tagged on top of the picture for your convenience )

So , Good news , this isn't a deleted one . 💀😭

A short summary :


This one is about a girl who had parents who were well-known but died . Now , she has changed her last name to stay hidden from that crusty feet Voldy . But.....Who guessed that she would fall for the bad guy ( *whispers* I guessed it ) . There's no smut , but there's a good smut in the comments section lmfaoooo . And we play Quidditch wohoooooooo . I don't want to ruin anything so it's better you read it yourself :))

Review :

Now , this was the first fanfiction I ever read .  I was so hooked to it that my parents thought I was texting a person all day :/

The plot was good and the moments they share were pretty heart fluttering too . The ending is what I won't reveal to you hehhehehehehehhehehehe . It was kinda slow burn so .... And we do love a jelly and overprotective Draco  i.e. Draco being Draco. 

Overall rating is that it was totally worth the read .

Soo , who hasn't read this yet , go and read it coz it was good .

Soo , who hasn't read this yet , go and read it coz it was good

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That's it for this today . Take care my little unicorns and dragons. Eat properly and drink plenty of water. ILY <33


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