Chapter Twenty-Two

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It was another slow day at the flower shop. It seemed like no one could predict how busy the day would be before it started, not even Ms. Ferguson. But Gretchen had learned to appreciate the slow days. Things had been too chaotic in the past weeks, so she was glad for a break to catch a breeze. As soon as she completed her task of watering the plants, Ms. Ferguson called her over.

"Will you bring me a newspaper?" She asked Gretchen, pressing a coin into her palm. "I haven't read it yet today."

Gretchen nodded. "Of course. I'll be right back." With a small smile, she left the shop and began the very familiar walk to the selling spot down the street. Her smile grew when she came into view of the spot and saw Monroe selling by herself. Although it had been two weeks since Albert came home, the newsies still hadn't let him return to selling. He was allowed to be up and walk around, but they decided to give it another week before he returned to work.

Monroe smiled a bit as Gretchen approached her. "Mornin'," she said with a tip of her cap. "Here for a pape?"

"Like always." Gretchen smiled at the girl and handed her a coin. "How are the headlines today?"

Monroe shrugged. "Bad as always. I ain't a writer, but I bet I could come up with better ones. It is what they get paid for, after all. But they never have mercy on us kids." Her smile was teasing, but there was truth behind her words.

"Hey, in a few years, maybe you'll be the one writing the headlines. Then you'd be able to give the newsies good ones. You never know," Gretchen said as Monroe handed her a paper.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Ya never know." Monroe's smile widened slightly. "When ya see Al, tell him I said not to stay out too late again."

Gretchen laughed. "I will. I should get back before too long. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya tomorrow." Monroe grinned and tipped her cap again before returning to shouting absurd headlines at passing people.

Gretchen walked back to the flower shop and delivered the paper to Ms. Ferguson, then went back to her stool behind the store counter. The rest of the day passed somewhat quickly, since business picked up a bit. People came in and out of the store, buying plants and flower arrangements. When her shift ended, Gretchen flipped the sign in the front door around to signify that the shop was closed.

With her back turned to the door, she began to tidy up a bit. She sighed as she heard the bell on the door jingle. "I'm sorry, we're closed," she said, still not looking back.

"But I thought I had VIP access, since I've got an in with one o' the workers."

Gretchen turned with a smile when she recognized Albert's voice. "I'm almost ready to go, I'll be just a minute."

"Oh, I'm in no rush," he replied, grinning back at her. "I've got nowhere I hafta be. It's Thursday, remember?"

"Right." Gretchen nodded. From the moment he could walk by himself, Albert had insisted that he walk her home from work every evening. And though it had only been two weeks, it was becoming a tradition for Albert to stay for dinner on Thursdays. It quickly became the highlight of Gretchen's week. Once she was ready, she joined Albert and together, they walked outside.

"How was work?" He asked her.

"Not bad. It was slow this morning but got better this afternoon," Gretchen answered. "Oh, and Monroe told me to tell you not to stay out too late tonight."

Albert laughed at that. "Course she did. But I told her, I can't promise to make her curfew on Thursdays. I have too much fun with you and your family."

Gretchen smiled. It made her immensely happy that Albert loved being around her family. And they loved him just as much. Her parents, particularly her father, had warmed up to him considerably after he saved her from the man in the alley. It seemed that life was perfect. She knew that something would inevitably come along to change that, but for now, Gretchen was content to work, visit her newfound friends, and spend most of every evening with her boyfriend.

If she let her imagination run away with it like always, she realized she had found her happily ever after.

the end!
thank you so much for reading, your votes and comments mean the world to me!! I hope you enjoyed Wish I Could Catch a Breeze! I hope to see you in another book :)

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