Year 1- Christmas

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"So, are you guys staying here for the holidays?"

The Christmas holidays were soon approaching, and the sign-up sheet for all students wishing to stay at Hogwarts was going around.

"I'm staying" Y/n replied to Nadine.

"Me too" Melissa added.

"Moi trois" Jenetta grinned.

"Mum wants me to go back home" Cressida sighed.

"Sorry Cres" Nadine said sympathetically, placing an arm on her shoulder.

"S'alright, I don't mind" She shrugged.

"Well, I'm staying" Nadine said and reached to sign the parchment.

The other did so as well and Cressida merely watched.


"Just reach in, and grab the first one you feel" Cressida explained to her confused roommates.

"Sorry, But I don't understand" Y/n said.

"So, we each wrote our name on a piece of parchment, correct?" There was a murmur of confirmation "now, we are going to reach in the hat and pick out a random name and that's who we'll get a gift for"

"And, what's this called again?" Melissa asked.

"Secret Santa- I heard some muggleborns talking about it" Cressida replied.

"Ok, can I go first?" Jenetta asked excitedly.

"Sure" Cressida grinned and held out the hat to her.

Jenetta reached a hand into the hat and grabbed around for awhile for dramatic effect, then finally pulled one out.

"Oh cool, Nadine I got you" she smiled.

Jenetta and Nadine high-fived, while Cressida ran a hand over her face.

"No, you're not supposed to say who you got" she groaned "We exchange gifts and then guess who got us, it's like a game"

"Oh, sorry I didn't know" Jenetta gave a sheepish smile.

"It's fine, just put that back and pick again"

Jenetta placed Nadine's name back into the hat and picked another. She grinned slightly and nodded at Melissa.

"You're turn"

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