Jealousy (John Shelby )

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Summary: Grace is the new talk in town, leaving you, John's wife, feeling a bit jealous.

Grace Burgess. Amazing Grace. Beautiful Grace. Intelligent Grace. Good hearted Grace. Grace, the new barmaid, was the talk of the hour it would seem, as the entire table had been chatting on about her ever since she came in and collected their empty glasses.

She seemed like a nice enough girl, underneath that fake bravado and the luggage of secrets and lies she obviously carried with her, that you were able to smell from miles away.

You wanted to believe that was the only reason you got annoyed just by hearing her name being brought up, but in reality, you knew that it was because John obviously found her attractive.

Now, you were a very attractive lass. Very. Some might even say you were the most beautiful girl in the entire city. John told you so every day, and Arthur had never shut up about it since the day they all met you, going around and bragging about his brother's wife.

Others might have found it a bit strange that he was constantly indirectly complimenting a woman that wasn't his to compliment in the first place, but that was just the way Arthur functioned, and you got used to it pretty quickly.

While the others openly spoke about Grace, her body and her charm, John said nothing, simply sipping on his glass of whiskey, arm slung around your shoulders where you sat.

He thought he was being slick, that he wouldn't be caught if he was quiet, but you noticed how he would join in on the conversation by chuckling and smirking rather than talking, having you cross your legs and glaring into your drink angrily.

"Here's a question." Arthur spoke then, pouring himself another glass of whiskey. "If you got the chance, married or not married, would you sleep with 'er?"

There was a loud mess of answers flying through the air, most of them in some way or another being "who wouldn't?", but John remained silent beside you, his glass now hanging lazily from his fingers of the hand thrown over your shoulders and his focus now solely aimed at the cigar he was putting out against the ashtray on the table.

His silence had gone unnoticed most of the night, but not this time, Arthur leaning back slightly against the couch he was seated on with a playful smirk pulling at his lips.

"How 'bout you, Johnny boy?"

Said boy instantly whipped his head up from his cigar, wasting no time in giving his older brother a stern glare, eyes discretely flickering in your direction to tell him to shut the fuck up. But the damage was already done, and Arthur knew it. That little shit.

"Yeah, Johnny boy. How about you?" You repeated, crossing your free arm over your chest while you moved the other to bring your glass to your lips, looking up at your husband with a raised eyebrow.

Everyone around the table had grown quiet by then, either anticipating the hell that was about to be unleashed, or fearing for their poor friend. By now, everyone knew not to mess with you, having underestimated your wrath in the past, and wrongfully so.

"Go on then." You urged, taking another sip from your gin and tonic and doing your best to look unbothered, even though your insides were bubbling with annoyance and jealousy. "Answer him."

He closed his eyes for a second, eyebrows shooting up, a clear sign that he was currently a tad bit too drunk to think properly. "Do you want the honest answer or the answer I know you want to hear?"

His question caused your eyes to squint almost instantly, glaring daggers into his. There weren't many things in this world that the reckless John Shelby feared; he was a fucking Peaky Blinder, he was on top of the world. But one of the things that actually did scare him, was you, and it was safe to say that he was sweating under your heavy stare.

"Well, are they different answers?" You questioned in a monotone voice, watching as his face turned into a grimace as he realized he'd made a major slip with his last answer.

"No?" He answered, the word coming out as more of a question than a statement, having you raise your eyebrows further and him to grow slightly confused as he couldn't think straight. "Yes?"

You nodded your head, putting your drink down on the table. "Go on then. Give me the honest answer."

He looked to his brother for help, but only got a smirk in return, the older brother looking on with equal amount of amusement as the rest of the men. Turning back to you, he shrugged slowly. "I mean, it depends on the circumstances. I-"

Everyone broke into a roar of laughter at the sight of your face instantly going cold, your hand flying out to hit him on his arm. Hard.

His hands instantly came up for defense, trying to catch your wrists, but failing miserably to keep up with your quick, violent hits in the drunk state he was currently in.


You scoffed at him, standing up in a hurried manner. He slowly let his hands back down as you stopped hitting at him, watching with bewildered eyes as you started pulling on your coat and grabbed your purse. "Where are you going, love?"

You glared at him, moving a stool out of the way to make clear passage, hitting his head as you passed him. "You know, sometimes I don't know why I keep up with you, John Michael Shelby. You're insufferable."

As you started walking away, John instantly scrambled to his feet, running to follow and almost falling on his face twice as he struggled to catch up.

"(Y/N), wait!" He yelled after you, his foot getting caught on the leg of someone's chair and having Arthur ant the rest of the people around their table doubling over with laughter. "Come on, don't be like that! It was just a joke, love!"

But you didn't listen to any of his drunken pleas, only sticking your nose into the air, pulling your coat closer around your body and picking up your pace.

You weren't really angry at him, but as he hadn't objected to the thought of sexual relations with another woman as quickly as a married man should have in your opinion, he deserved to suffer some until the morning. Only then would you put him out of his misery, the bubbling jealousy inside of you at the moment causing you to see red and enjoy the feeling of him chasing after you.


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