Chapter 274: This Life-Starting (XV)

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"This kid! What were you doing running to the coast on such a cold day? If it weren't for luck, mom's afraid she won't be able to see you anymore." Song Mizhen chattered on as she ladled out some soup for Wei Xun.

尉勋靠在床头,望着窗外出神, 对宋觅珍的话充耳不闻。

Wei Xun leaned against the side of his bed. He looked outside the window in a daze, turning a deaf ear to Song Mizheng's words.


"Ah Xun?" Song Mizhen slightly raised her volume.


This made Wei Xun turn his head, his gaze falling onto her face.

"怎么了?"宋觅珍被他看得有些不自在, 忍不住摸摸自己的脸。

"What's going on?" Song MiZhen felt somewhat uneasy by his gaze and she couldn't help but touch her face.

"发生什么事了?"尉勋的记忆停留在雪崩发生的瞬间,但他后来却被人从相隔十万八千里的罗浮海中捞上来。他的脸盲症莫名其妙地好了, 但他觉得自己丢失了一件非常重要的东西。

"What happened?" Wei Xun's memory stopped at the moment of the avalanche. Afterwards, he was fished up from the middle of the sea hundreds of miles away. His face blindness was also cured out of the blue for good, but he felt that he lost something extremely important to him.

"不是告诉你了吗?你得知你爸爸在休塔约山遇险的消息,立刻赶过去救援,结果碰上雪崩,获救之后被送往军区医院接受治疗。但是不知道什么原因,你后来突然离开医院, 一个人跑到海边去了。"宋觅珍如同背书一般重复之前的回答。当尉勋从医院中醒来后,尉家人就发现他的记忆出现了偏差。他记得所有人,唯独忘记了那个人的一切, 所以他们决定将计就计, 彻底抹杀那个人曾经存在的痕迹。

"Didn't I tell you? You found out that your dad was in danger at Xiutayue Mountain. You immediately rushed over to save him, and the outcome was that you ran into an avalanche. After being rescued, you were sent to the military district hospital to receive treatment. They don't know why, but you suddenly left the hospital and ran by yourself to the coast." Song Mizhen repeated the same answer like she was reciting from a textbook. When Wei Xun woke up from the hospital, the Wei family discovered that there was something wrong with his memory. He remembered everyone except he forgot everything about that person. They decided to beat him at his own game and completely erased any trace of the person's presence.


Wei Xun took the bowl from Song Mizhen's hands, drinking it sip by sip.


Song Mizhen secretly exhaled. She still turned around to warn everyone else that they must, by no means, let it slip.


A few days later, Wei Xun left old Wei's house, escorted by bodyguards, and stayed at the hotel closest to the company. After leaving for almost a month, the company's affairs were all handed over to other people to deal with. Even though operations/activities weren't strongly affected, many important decisions were still delayed due to his absence.

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