55. Ifvnar: 101 WAYS

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On the other hand, Park Haejin had also figured out what the crown prince had done.

She scoffed and like Kim Jaehyun she took off her leather armour. Park Haejin threw it onto the ground and ordered her wolf, "Bada destroy it."

Her white canicus wolf opened up her mouth and blast of spirit shot out, tearing the leather armour to nothing.

Similar to Kim Jaehyun though not as intensely, Park Haejin also felt this was a chance to vent.

Ever since Lee Hyunjins arrival, her emotions too had been a complete mess. At first she was angry but as time passed she grew more conflicted.

It was true that currently she hated Kim Jaehyun, it was also true that she hated Lee Hyunjin even more.

Park Haejin when she saw him alive felt like she'd been an idiot all this while. She'd suffered with guilt for two years straight yet he just stood before them like it was nothing. As if those two years didn't mean anything. Like the years before that also didn't mean anything. He was not happy to see her but he also was not angry at her. Park Haejin didn't know what kind of reaction she was expecting from him, in fact she didn't even think he was alive in the first place.

Park Haejin currently did not like Lee Hyunjin she wasn't even sure if she had liked him when they first met.

Lost in her thoughts, Park Haejins mind found itself wondering around a specific memory.

It was the memory of the day she met those two
(A/N: it is not yet time for this child's back story but~~)

That day, Park Haejin had left her house and was wandering around, her and her dad had just moved to the area so she didn't know anybody and she was still trying to get used to the area.

She was quite a distance away from home when she realised it was getting dark which meant she should return home.

The road was busy, different people were roaming around the road each attending to their own matters.

Park Haejin was looking down at her outdated phone, her father had already sent her seven messages telling her to return home immediately.

She frowned and reluctantly sped up. It was just then that she felt a wind blow by her and raised her head.

The slight breeze was caused by a person running past her. She subconsciously turned and her gaze followed that person.

It was a young boy much taller than her. His blonde hair glinted like gold in the sunlight.

Park Haejin for some reason couldn't turn away and she watched the boy quickly turn into an alleyway. Childish curiosity sparked in her and she followed after him.

When she drew closer to the alley she could hear shouts and groans... it sounded like there was a fight.

Park Haejins heart was thumping loudly in her chest and her hands were jittery, she knew she shouldn't get involved with delinquent children because that would just give her father more reason to treat her the way he did but she was really curious about this blonde haired boy.

When she peaked into the alley, her eyes widened in shock.

At that moment, that blonde boy who looked like a middle schooler was fiercely beating up three other kids who looked like they were in highschool.

The blonde boys eyes looked livid with madness as he ruthlessly broke someone's nose with his fist.

Park Haejin was terrified, she'd never seen someone as crazy as this.

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