56. Ifvnar: Investigation

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After sending the signal out to the elite squad, Levi returned to Ifvnar. He would begin the investigation on his own and later rendezvous with the rest of the team

Due to how vast Ifvnar was, they were to split up into four groups of five.

Two teams were tasked with keeping watch over the heroes whilst the other three split up heading in different directions one of which was the centre of Ifvnar.

Taking into account the information Lee Hyunjin had given him, their main objective was the legendary beast level pythons corpse and the possible source of corruption, both of which were most likely close to the centre of ifvnar. Another one of their missions was to find and collect Eneri.

Eneri was a source of pure spirit which could be used for many things including healing and manufacturing of high grade spirit devices or Quindite weapons. Not only that but many other neighbouring kingdoms would give a lot of gold just to have a bit of Eneri, it was a great trading item.

People who absorbed Eneri could grow stronger, due to its purity, absorbing the spirit from Eneri increased ones aptitude.

Prince Levi hadn't told the heroes yet but the numerical figures that were used to ascertain their aptitude's were just the beginning.

That meant that their spirit which was measured out of a hundred was merely the starting point. Of course a high aptitude is still incredible but they still needed to breakthrough to the next point. At that time their spirit would be measured (numerically) not out of a 100 but out of 1000.

Crown prince Levi intended to measure their aptitude's once more after they returned from their training,

Levi circled around the forest on Artemis' back, he enhanced his vision with spirit and looked down. He was trying to locate Kim Jaehyun and co.

It was just then he saw an explosion of dust and rubble burst through one section of the forest. The trees had even noticeably collapsed.
At the same time he caught the glimpse of a red aura. He sighed.

Master the crazy one is already wreaking havoc... let's hope he doesn't destroy the whole forest, Artemis huffed disapprovingly. Even though his words sounded disdainful there was clear approval of Kim Jaehyun's strength in them.

Levi didn't respond to Artemis he scanned the forest, he was able to spot the others as well, they'd each covered quite the distance already.

There was blazing fire in one area and in another a raging tornado and where the third person was there was... nothing noticeable.

"It's seems Mr.Han, Ms.Park and Ms.Lee are also doing well," he nodded, "let's move," he said.

From above they still couldn't see the entirety of Ifvnar, the forest was simply large, enough so to rival the size of an entire kingdom or maybe even more than that which meant the investigation would take quite a while, it really would've gone faster if Lee Hyunjin had accompanied them since he was relatively familiar with the place even if he didn't know all of it.

Ever since being saved by Einari, Lee Hyunjin's life had been fairly peaceful. Thanks to moving with Zeiha they hadn't been in constant life threatening danger whilst travelling through ifvnar.

Unfortunately for Lee Hyunjin, this kind of calm and uneventful life that he so desperately desired went against the laws of his crappy luck thus it would not last.

The young staff worker that had taken his hanfu had finally returned it after two days. As promised they really did make it as clean as possible.

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