Manipulating Jack.

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Jack opened his eyes and realised he was in a room covered in red stuff.

And then Jack realised what was happening.

He had heard about the egg before and somehow he needed to help them.

This could not possibly mean anything good.


Jack had, indeed, blacked out again after that. The next time he woke up, the space was even smaller; it was a 1x1 block space.

He didn't know how many hours had passed while he was unconscious. 

The idea of forgetting how much time had passed, because he had been unconscious, scared him.

And Jack, ofcourse, didn't like being afraid.

But before his fear could turn into something bigger, like a panic attack, a soothing presence came into his mind.

He accepted the presence, because it calmed him. 

That was his worst mistake, he would realise later.

But for now he accepted the presence fully, making it his comfort while being held as prisoner in this small cage.

Days passed and nothing really happened, Jack had more time to think everything over and wanted revenge now more than ever. He would let the person behind this pay and when he was done with that he would let Tommy pay.

Even after days of thinking, Jack still thought Tommy was the one behind all his problems.

When he became bored; not knowing what to think of anymore. The earlier comforting presence turned cold and started to talk to him in a demanding voice.

He would demand that Jack would help him, but always did make offers to pay him for the work he had done. The voice would tell Jack that they could rule the world together; really, Jack liked that idea.

The presence in his mind kept feeding him these ideals, the great things they could do if Jack finally would listen to him and do what he was told to, and it shaped Jack into a perfect soldier.

Not once did Jack think this was the egg slowly manipulating him to work for it; not once did Jack think he would end up working with the one thing the whole server feared, because no one knew what it could do, the egg.


The vines in the server slowly reached out, they grew and grew until one part of the vine could finally feel the vibrations, hear the voices in Technoblade's house.

For once the vines were careful to not show themselves; not expose that Technoblade and his family was next, because if there was someone who could beat it, it was this family.

And when Bad had heard about the plan he had laughed, the egg really would help him rule this pathetic smp and no one could stop them anymore.


Schlatt, being the only one left at Techno's house; because he didn't want to go on Tommy's trip, felt uneasy.

The void kept nagging his brain, like it was trying to warn him.

But he just didn't understand, when he had access to the voids archive, there wasn't anyone he cared about that would die soon.

So why was the void panicking? Why was it trying to warn Schlatt?

Schlatt didn't know, but what he did know was that it was giving him a headache and he needed a lot more alcohol to put up with this stupid void thing.


Heh, heh, heh, fear me.

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