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"Are you sure about this?" Dante asked and I shrugged

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"Are you sure about this?" Dante asked and I shrugged.

"If anyone asked me I would just kill the bitch or hand her back over to Leandro," Ace said. Speaking of our grandfather.

"That's why no one asked you," Alfie said while shoving Ace's feet off my desk.

Ace simply rolled his eyes before placing his feet back as I glared at him.

"I just saying that I would pick, kill the bitch," Ace said while looking at me

"Get out all of you" I said and they exited one by one.

"I say kill the bitch remember-"

"Get out Ace," I said

"Tsk tsk so bossy," he said before leaving.

Rolling my eyes I inhaled a gush of smoke before exhaling it in the fresh air.

Closing my eyes I leaned back into the seat.

The knocking on my door made me straighten up in my seat as I shouted out a enter.

"Is it true" Liliana asked as she waltz her way into the room.

Just when I thought I got rid of everyone she waltz her pretty tempting ass right back in.

"I'll answered that when I know what it is " I said widened my eyes when I said it.

"Ace said you have my mother and is planning to kill her. But that's impossible and absolutely crazy because she's already dead," she said with a little hope dancing in her eyes.

"I'm going to kill that asshole," I groaned out.

"Leo tell me this is not real and Ace is lying because my mother's already dead," she said while taking the cigar from my lips and placing it into the ash tray.

"Ok my dear wife since your wish is my every command. This is not real, Ace is absolutely lying and your mother is dead" I repeated and she started to frown.

Standing I started to walk to the door.

"Follow me," I said and started walking to cellars.

"Follow me," I said and started walking to cellars

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