A new home away from home?

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Dixie gets to work early the next day, out of bliss and gratefulness. She knows there's still places in her life that needs work but for the most part things are finally starting to look up, to feel more like before. She's becoming her old self; but wiser, smarter, stronger. With more memories: good and bad. Noah got there about an hour or two after her. He wanted to sleep in a little extra. Dixie understood he was still grieving no matter how hard he tried to make it seem like he wasn't.

She knew the feeling, knew it was too hard to talk about, knew even if she asked he wouldn't be able to say anything because truthfully he didn't know how he felt, and Dixie; out of everyone, understood that.

"Hey your here." She said kissing her boyfriend's check as she walked out of the O.R. She had just preformed her 7th surgery of the morning and it was only 9 o'clock. She had a lot to make up.

"Yea I just got in, I want to do as many surgeries before 1."

"What, why? What's at 1?"

"Dixie.." Noah said looking rather disappointed. "Are least in up in a month remember. We booked an appointment to go check out a place, or at least go and talk to the lady."

"Oh yea.. I'm sorry I forgot I've had a lot on my mind."

"Well this is important we're gonna live together."

"Yes." Dixie looked down at her feet for a second. "I'm so excited." "So am I." Noah responded. He was rather gitty, side affects of the grief.

Beyond that, Dixie wasn't excited... or.. no it wasn't that she wasn't excited it was just that she wasn't ready. She had never truly lived with a lover. Griffin didn't count as they were more roommates, and she hadn't been with anyone else. Plus she liked the way things were. Going to Noah's when she needed a break from her place, and leaving his place when she needed a break from well..... him.

She didn't know if she wanted to move in.. if she was even ready for that step yet.

Dixie couldn't focus for the rest of the morning. She realized that when she almost cut a patients heart open. She just kept watching the clock. Waiting for Noah to text her, or find her, tell her it's time to go.

She didn't even know why she was upset. They had covered this decision months ago. But after current events, she was rethinking her decision. 'Could she live with Noah even at his worst?' she also had to take into accounts the times he would get mad, he was still early in the grieving process she couldn't not have her own place to escape too.

Could she?

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