Coco (preview)

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"Can you believe it, Zuko? My mother could be down there. What if she's back with my father? Oh my goodness, how do I look? My hair ok?"

Why am I telling him this? I know we just met but I can't contain my excitement. Who else can I tell? If it's not clear, I don't have a long list of people waiting to hear what Kimi's been up to my. The last friend I had was two years ago. I stayed in his mother's back house. I remember the night the Fire Nation took him away and forced him to serve. He wrote me one letter, and said things are not looking good for him, and that was the last time I've ever heard from him. The next letter came from his partner saying there was an accident... And he didn't make it. So yeah, I don't have friends.

"You look fine, now shut up. I'm trying to think."

Zuko said I look fine. That's a compliment, right? Ok, I'll admit it, Zuko is really handsome. I won't call it a crush, but I'm trying to form something here. We can at least be acquaintances. So yeah, his opinion means something to me, it has to if we're going to be acquaintances. I'm not to keen on his personality, but showing him some kindness might change something. Also, I know he's a good person deep down, that's what the Spirit of Destiny told me, so I'm going to trust his word, and maybe I'm that special thing that can bring it out of Zuko.

I put my hair up into a curly bun and put on a shirt, red of course, that doesn't fit at all. There aren't any women on board, so uncle gave me some of Zuko's old clothing from when he first started his search for the Avatar. His kid clothes don't even for me.

"Should I leave my hair up or down?"

"I said you look fine." I didn't ask that, I think to myself.

"Yeah, but I put my hair up," I tell him.

He turned to face me.

"You're fine."

He turns on his heel and walks out onto the deck. Before completely disappearing, he turns back to me.

"You should wear your hair up."

Smiling like an idiot, I walk onto the deck getting ready to walk down the bridge. Maybe I got somewhere.

What a cute little tribe! I think while admiring the place. They all have on blue and white furry jackets that go down to their ankles. Wish I had one of those, I'm freezing.

They all look terrified. Dad really. This is what we're doing to them. This isn't right.

There is a wall made of snow that surrounds their small village. Not very sturdy. They have no protection what do ever. They've been stripped of everything and left with barely nothing!

In front stands a boy with a short ponytail. His face is decorated in gray and white paint to resemble a wolf. His eyes are beautiful. Round and gray, filled with determination as he holds a battle ax. All the men must be off fighting in the war, how sad.

Awwe, he's protecting his village... Zuko's going to destroy him..

The nose of the ship is coming in close, and if he doesn't move, it looks as though he'll be crushed.

"Zuko, stop the ship. It's gonna hit him!"

"No." He squints his eyes.

What a jerk! I have to do something, but I don't want Zuko to be mad at me. On one hand he'd throw me overboard and just leave me to freeze to death, but at the same time, we're about to hit this guy with a freaking ship! Well, it's been nice knowing you world..

"Prince Zuko said stop the ship!"

Grabbing my wrist, Zuko looks me square in my face. "What are you doing?!" He shouts.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now