First day at the beach house

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It was early in the morning Rose woke up by the sounds of Joy and Lingling screaming and waking her up. "Rose wake up" Both of them screamed at her "Alright alright I'm awake, just stop screaming" Rose replied sleepily. Astoria and Shawn were already awake making breakfast "Aww that's sweet you lovebirds are making us breakfast" Travis said "Hey call us lovebirds one more time and i'll make sure you leave here with a broken arm" Shawn replied with an annoyed voice.

"So Now that Everyone's here, I was thinking we all could go spend the day at the beach what do you say" Astoria asked taking a bite of her pancake. Responses came from the table everyone agreeing "Great then after breakfast, lets change and head out" Joy said. After everyone got changed they headed to the beach where Joy and Hawk were already splashing in the water, Lingling and Travis decided to make a sandcastle and Rose, Astoria and Shawn were sitting in the sand talking. "Hey Travis Let's go in the water" Shawn yelled "You go I'm too busy right now" He replied "What's that I see is the big bad beast scared of the water?" Hawk said "That's it this beast isn't afraid of anything" Travis yelled jumping in the water. "Oh man, Now I'm all wet" Travis said with a pout Everyone laughed.

A little while later Rose, Joy and Hawk decided to go seashell hunting leaving the two couples alone. "Look guys a purple shell, it's so pretty" Joy held it in the sun grinning from excitement "hey isn't that the same shell we found on our first da..." Hawk started then his voice faded, Rose and Hawk stared at each other with awkward silence. Joy could sense the tension between her friends after all anybody from a mile away could tell these two weren't over each other. "Hey I have an idea why don't we have a seashell hunting contest". Joy said trying to break the awkwardness "A contest that sounds fun" Shawn's voice called "Another way to win and brag about it to Travis, Count me in" Shawn said "Hey you haven't won yet" Travis replied. "Alright how about we split into teams before the boys start a brawl right here" Rose said laughing at their childishness "Ok I'll be the judge and count how many seashell each team brings" Astoria said "Are you sure we don't need a judge we can just go seashell hunting" Lingling said "No way I wanna finish this book anyway you guys go" Astoria said taking out her book. "Astoria and her books, watch out Shawn maybe you'll be replaced someday by a book" Hawk said.

So the boys and girls split into teams. While Lingling was looking at the left side Joy and Rose were looking at the right side "Hey Joy thanks for helping me out over there" Rose said "No problem Rose, But you can't avoid him forever"
Joy replied looking at her friend  sincerely "I know But this is the only way" Rose said "No dummy isn't talking also another way" Joy said laughing "I guess your right" Rose replied laughing "Hey guys I found a whole bunch of seashells Come here" Lingling said as if on

Meanwhile with the boys

"So let me get this straight you and Rose had an awkward stare down because you mentioned your first date" Shawn asked "well I was about to mention it but then I caught myself and didn't say the whole word 'date'" Hawk admitted "Man you'd have to be the dumbest prince I've ever known" Travis said "Hey what I said wasn't dumb was it?" Hawk asked "you almost asked your ex if she remembers a shell you both found on your first date"Shawn phrased it and Hawk mentally yelled at himself "You never mention the first date unless your deliberately trying to hurt the other person, even I know that"  Travis said facepalming himself "Ugh why did I even say that" Hawk said "I don't know but you two need to talk" Travis said "Travis is right you both need to talk and sort this out" Shawn said.

After the seashell contest the team decided to go home. Rose decided it was finally time to talk to Hawk and started looking for him but Astoria caught her by suprise "Rose come on The guests are here" She said Rose needed to find Hawk but curiosity got the best of her and she decided to see who the guests were.

Out of a black limo two lavender stilettos and two black shoes stepped out. Astoria and the team went into shock

"What are you both doing here?"...... Everyone asked

"Suprise, Suprise" said the mysterious guest

Dun Dun Dan Cliffhanger 😱
Anyway sorry for being MIA but I finally finished this chapter hope you enjoy it
Love you all ❤
Peace Out ✌🏻

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