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°Her Brithday°


"Levi Heichou~~" Y/N sang as she burst inside Levi's office letting herself in. Levi didn't look bothered as he continued to fill out more paperwork.

Today is everyone's day off. Except for the Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman. Y/N felt a bit bad for the Lance Corporal so she decided to come by his office.

"What are you doing here?" Levi asked with no hint of any interest as he kept his focus on the paperwork that was stacked in front of him.

Y/N's eyes squinted when she saw Levi's dark bags under his eyes. It was clear that Levi didn't sleep last night. The girl knew that she's doing the right thing as she chuckled making the Lance Corporal give her his attention.

"Doing paperwork every day is so bland and dull like your face," Y/N said as she looked at the Lance Corporal's overworked and fatigued face. "So let's go out shopping."

"No." Levi strictly answered getting his attention back to the paperwork making the girl in front of his desk sigh at his antics.

"I have no choices left except for this," Y/N whispered. She was ready to empty her wallet when this day is over.

"We're going to buy tea and cleaning stuff on the way." The girl said as Levi had already stood up. Y/N rolled her eyes as she tossed a blazer to the Lance Corporal.

"You truly know how to bargain my time, Yeager." Levi joked while he fixed himself to go outside.

"Tch, as if I have no choice left," Y/N replied as she rolled her eyes. Though she liked the fact that she got the Lance Corporal off his desk full hell stack of paperwork.


The two shorties were now in the town. Y/N wanted Eren, Mikasa and Armin to join in but the Lance Corporal had dragged her away before she could get their answers.

"Why'd you drag me? I just asked the trio if they want to come?" Y/N asked as the Lance Corporal went quiet.

Y/N didn't know that the Lance Corporal wanted Y/N to be the only one around him. Too bad Y/N didn't know that.

"Heichou??" Y/N asked once again as Heichou ignored her. The girl heard giggles around them while they're walking through the city.

Y/N looked at the source of the giggles and saw fangirls just meters away from them. With the gift of terrific hearing, she was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Look it's Levi Ackerman..." A girl said as she giggled.

"Who's that girl beside him?"

"She's probably just a regular scout. Levi will never go with an ugly girl like her." All three of the fangirls snicker. Y/N had heard all of it as she gritted her teeth. She wanted to lash out her demonic anger to those girls.

When Y/N had taken a step towards the fangirls Levi stopped her by holding her arm tightly. Y/N looked at him as Levi shook his head as a no. Instead, he placed his arm around Y/N as they continue to walk around.

"W-what?" Y/N stuttered from Levi's gesture as he continued to ignore her.

"Please be quiet, love," Levi spoke as Y/N eyes' widened forming a huge red blush on her cheeks. She felt sheepish as she didn't reply because of Levi Ackerman.

The fangirls were the ones who know grit their teeth. They didn't like their Levi Ackerman to be so close to another girl. As Levi and Y/N continue to pass people through the city, a lot were questioning if they were eventually dating.

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