Chapter 21

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Sirius Black is more terrifying to view in person than printed in black and white

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Sirius Black is more terrifying to view in person than printed in black and white. Castor observes how his eyes never stray from Ron, who's seated on the dirty mattress in the opposing corner of the room. His face is hollow, with sharp cheekbones and deep sunken eyes. His striped Azkaban jumpsuit is ripped at the knees, and if Castor looks closely, she can see how fragile and haunted this man is. Castor grips her wand as she holds it out in front of her, pointed at his chest as she glares at the man in the corner, grits her teeth as he pushes the door of the room closed, trapping them in there with him.

"No!" Hermione cries, moving in front of Harry. "If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!"

"No. Only one will die tonight." Sirius' voice is low and croaking as if he hasn't properly spoken in years. He takes a few steps forward, And Harry overcome with a multitude of emotions, rushes past Castor slipping his arm out of her firm grip on his jacket sleeve as he knocks himself into Sirius.

"Then it will be you!"

"Harry, no!" Castor yells, moving forward to pry the boy away from the murderous man. Harry wrestles him to the ground, hands around his neck as he reaches for his wand. Castor wraps her arms around Harry's chest from behind, heaving him off of Sirius and back into the corner with Ron and Hermione. Crookshanks, who's apparently been in the room with them this whole time, takes this moment to seat himself on Sirius' chest, blocking any way for a stunning spell to hit him. Harry's wand shakes in his grip as he points is at Sirius, Castor holds tight around his ribs. Her own wand is still held in her grip but she's unable to wield if she has to hold him back.

"Are you going to kill me, Harry?" Sirius laughs. The door bursts open again, Professor Lupin and Pollux with wands out in front of them.

"Expelliarmus!" Professor Lupin claims Harry's wand as it flies out of the boy's hands and into his own. Castor uses this opportunity to move the younger teenager behind her again, holding an arm out to her side to protect Hermione and Harry. She positions herself in front of Ron. Pollux stands at Professor Lupin's side, the group of them caging in Sirius Black between all of them.

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