One Night Only: Chapter 13

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March 15

Kelly P.O.V

"Kyle I can't talk right now." I said rubbing Aubrey head.



"You got a man over there?"

"No and if I did. You were the one telling me that we have to move on." I can't move on this fast. I can't have a man laying in my house. Hell No.

"I know. I know. It's just." He sighed. "It don't feel the same. I don't get to come home to you guys everyday and tell talk I love y'all as much as I want."

"I know I guess it's just time to go our separate way." I said letting tears slide down my face.

"Yeah I guess so." He cleared his throat. "But I'll still call from time to time."

"Me to."

"I love you Kelly and tell Audrey too."

"I love you too Kyle."


"Bye." I hung up and looked down at Aubrey. It's 6:30 in the morning and my baby isn't feeling good.

I have a slight cough and sneeze here and there so I know I'm about to catch a cold. I walked in my bathroom to see if I got some medicine but no luck.

I don't to call my parents because they just got home from work. My sister and Nicki are off to work. Last but not least Trevor.

I walked back by Aubrey and picked up my phone.

"Hello?" He answered breathing hard.

"Oh sorry, are you in the middle of something?"

"No,  I just came back from a morning run."

"Oh, can you do me a favor?"


"Can you go to the store and pick up some medicine and chicken noodle soup for Aubrey?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in like thirty."


"It's nothing." He hung up. I picked Aubrey up and took her a bath. After taking her a bath I fixed her a small cup of tea.

As I was walking the tea upstairs somebody knocked on the door. I turned around and opened the door.

"I didn't know what to get so I got different kinds." Trevor said holding up a CVS bag.

"You could've got some Robitussin, but this is okay." I turned around and walked upstairs with him behind me.

"Mommy I'm cold."

"Alright." I grabbed another cover and sat it on the edge of bed. "Sit up."

She sat up and I gave her some tea. "Hi daddy."

"Hey little one." He said sitting next to her. He pulled her on his lap and he rocked her in his arm.

"Can you give her some medicine?" He nodded and I put the cup of tea down. I walked to my closet and pulled out some sweat pants and a tank top. I walked to my dresser and pulled out some underwear and a bra.

"I'm about to take a quick shower, can you watch her?"

"Yes Kelly go take a shower." I grabbed my towel and walked in the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower I did my hygiene and put on my clothes. I walked out the bathroom and I didn't see Trevor or Aubrey.

I walked downstairs and saw them watching tv. I walked closer and saw Aubrey curled in his arms sleep.

"You could put her in the bed."

"I know, I didn't feel like getting up."

"I'll take her."

"I got it." But you didn't want to get up. He got up and walked upstairs. A few minutes later he walked in the kitchen.

"Look I'm sorry about that kiss last night." He sat down.

"That caught me off guard." I said fixing me some tea. I lifted the cup and he shook his head.

"I was just caught up. I'm sor-" He phone cut him off.

"Hello?... Right now... Alright in on my way." He hung up. "I gave to go."


"I'll call later to check up on Aubrey." He said up.

"Okay." I held in my cough. I walked him to the door and he left.

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