Chapter 9: Discovering Wattpad

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After they all finished their lunch, which was mostly filled with Kirishima and Todoroki messing with Bakugo and everyone else trying to calm him down we all went back to finish Avatar: The Last Airbender. They were all thankful for Aang still being alive and Todoroki was still pissed at Zuko. They were such similar characters and Y/n could tell Todoroki connected with him, she just hopes he can hold out for his redemption arc.

After a few episodes in, Y/n's phone went off once more, this time a text from her friend. She excused herself going to her room to answer leaving them alone, with her computer still open. Kirishima noticed this first and decided to nudge Bakugo for his attention. "Hey man look, her computer is still on." He said while pointing over the bright screen. "Okay and?" He said, a little pissed off for him interrupting him watching toph beat someone's ass.

"And she never showed us any fanfictions, she just told us about other stuff," Kirishima said trying to lull him into his plan. At this point, Midoriya had overheard but just stuck to listening in. "I don't want to read shit about being with you extras." He said a little disgusted about the fact it was something people did. He understood he was a fictional character and whatever, but it still weirded him out.

"Well yeah, but she also said there are ones with new characters brought in, and that people have crushes on us. Don't you wanna see what they write?"

Bakugo didn't want to admit it but he was slightly curious about it. Just to see how many people actually liked him. He didn't really have any romantic interest before, he was just focused on becoming number one. But, now that he's here, a little peek won't hurt. He nodded at Kirishima and they made their way over the open laptop.

"What are you doing?" Iida asked. At this point the others noticed them moving to the laptop and wondered what they were doing. "We want to see those fanfictions people write about us," Kirishima replied. "Umm, how do I figure out how this works?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Just type your name in shitty hair." Bakugo shoved him out of the way and proceeded to type 'Bakugo' into the search before hitting enter. "Guys, I don't think we should be doing this without Y/n here, what if we see something we shouldn't." "Shut up Deku," Bakugo says harshly but doesn't yell because he doesn't want to catch Y/n's attention. "I agree, this is a bad idea," Momo said worriedly.

"Calm down ponytail, I already learned I'm shipped with fucking Deku, nothing can be worse than that." Deku looked was a little hurt but completely agreed otherwise.

The search results popped up and he started scrolling, seeing all the stories written about him as the love interest as well as others, which he just ignored. "Damn I am popular." He said smirking and continuing to scroll. "Hey, Bakugo what's that one?" Kirishima said pointing at a story that had pictures of a few of them as the cover. It didn't have a specific name, it just said lemon in the description which no one really knew what that means. (😉)

He scrolled down to the table of contents and noticed how every chapter had a different name. All of their names aside from Momo's were present, including more boys from their class and even a few teachers and villains. Bakugo did what of course he would do and clicked on his own name. At this point, everyone forgot their worries and crowded around Bakugo to also read what was happening. They figured it would be something sweet, considering Y/n mentioned crushes. But those thoughts were quickly proved wrong about 30 seconds into reading when Bakugo slammed the laptop shut.

"What. In. the. Fuck." Everyone was in stunned silence and even Todoroki was showing emotion on his face. Bakugo looked like he was going to be sick and everyone else looked extremely uncomfortable. Not even Iida was in the headspace to scold anyone.

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