Why should i forgive you?

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Dylan's POV

"Dylan wake up!"I hear someone say
They keep shaking me.
I open one eye and look up.
"Dylan! She's awake!"Sophie says
I immediately sit up and look at Izzy. I guess I stayed the night at the hospital? Izzy is sitting up eating food.
"Hey babe!"I say
"Hey"she says rolling her eyes
"I'm gonna let you 2 talk"Sophie says walking out
"Feeling better?"I ask
She looks away.
"Babe?"I ask
She closes her eyes and a tear rolls down her cheek.
"What's wrong?"
She wipes her tears and look at me.
"Just because I passed out doesn't mean I don't remember!"
"I'm sorry,I was drunk and I wasn't thinking. Please forgive me?"
"Why should I forgive you?"
Damn. That hit me in the heart. Then again,why should she? I've been an asshole to her.
"Because I'm going to change. I won't ever drink again. I won't ever leave your side again at a place like that. I won't ever hurt you again."
"I don't know if I can trust you ever again Dylan."
I look down at the floor. A tear rolls down my cheek.
"I'm sorry"I whisper loud enough for her to hear
"I'm sorry too."
"What are you sorry for?"
"I-i think we should break up."
I look up at her.
"Is this what you want?"
"Yes. I love you,but I can't trust you anymore."
I wipe my tears and stand up. I lean over her and hug her tight.
"I love you too."I say
I kiss her on the cheek.
"Bye Izzy"I say
I walk out of her room and find Sophie.
"You can go back in now"I say
She nods and walks back in. I walk outside and get in my car. I sit for a minute and then crank it. I drive home.
Izzy's POV

Dylan hugs me.
"I love you too."he says
He kisses me on the cheek.
"Bye Izzy"he says
He walks out and Sophie comes in.
"What happened? Are you okay?"she asks
"Yeah umm I just"I wipe my tears
"Just what?"
"Broke up with him."
Sophie opens her mouth and stares at me.
"What all happened while I was out?"
"Can we not talk about it right now?"
She nods.
"When said the doctor say I could go home?"
"Anytime you felt better!"
"Let's go"
"You sure?"
I nod and get up. I change my clothes and check myself out. We go outside and I get in Sophie's car. She drives me home.
"Want me to stay?"she asks
"Whatever you want to do"
She parks her car and wlaks inside with me.
"Hey honey! I would have came up there but I wasn't able to! I'm glad you have a friend like Sophie! And a boyfriend like Dylan!"
I run upstairs and tears begin to fall. Sophie looks at her and shakes her head. I sit on my bed and curl up. Sophie comes in a few minutes later with ice cream and movies. She hands me some ice cream and pops in a movie.
"Eat up babe! You deserve it."she says
I eat my ice cream and sit in silence.

Kind of a short chapter. Sorry! What happens now? Next chapter coming soon!~dezzi

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