Chapter 67

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Many known and loyal death eaters have escaped, from Azkaban prison, creating mass hysteria amongst many wizards, who had once been tormented. Some of the most loyal Death Eaters include Lestrange Brothers, Augustus Rookwood, Antonin Dolohov, Lucius Malfoy and Corban Yaxley, just to name a few. Many assumed the breakout to be an act of victory after the death of Albus Dumbledore. Ultimately proving to the wizarding world that they'll stop at nothing, we here at the Daily Prophet insist that people caution, a life in Azkaban can cause many to act erratically.

"Jess, Jessica!"

"What?" she said, snapping back into reality

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Charlie asked her,

"Yes, I was thinking about my dad, he might not know this breakout even happened," she said

"I understand, I can't wait to go-

"No, the sooner you get back the better," she told him, he smiled at her, she brushed her hands over his hair and settled on the back of his neck, she pulled him down to kiss her.

"I'll be back before you know it," he told her,

Jessica stood in the window, watching him walk further away from Shell Cottage. She fiddled with her wedding ring, she tried her best to keep her breathing steady, she knew he wouldn't be gone long. Charlie was perfectly capable of handling himself.

Charlie had every intention of returning as soon as possible he needed to continue his training with the animals. Jessica needed to try again with the Wampus cats, Archie would have surely missed his little Diricawl friend, she turned her attention to Mary.

"What happened sweetheart?" she asked, as Mary cried loudly, "shh, Archie do you know what happened?"

"No, mummy I was playing," he told her

"Is everything okay in here?" Bill asked

"Yes, I'm sorry if she woke you,"

"She didn't wake me, I wanted to ask you something,"

"Sure anything," she said

"Fleur found a dress that she likes, but I'm the groom not suppose to see,"

"I'll pick it up," she said taking the order slip

"Thank you, it's been hectic between wedding planners Fleur hasn't had any free time at all,"

"Charlie and I could have told you that," she chuckled


Bill and Fleur agreed to watch the children while, Jessica met Rhea in Diagon Alley, at least that's what she told them. She prepared herself to leave, Archie and the girls were occupied and probably wouldn't notice if Jessica left this second.

Jessica made her way through Diagon Alley, though the once busy place was deserted, just a few stores remained open. She hurried to the store wanting to leave as soon as she could, she hated to think that Fred and George only lived just a few yards away, witness to everything that occurred here.

As picked up Fleur's dress, she noted that many stores were burnt from the inside it wasn't difficult to know what happened here. Death Eaters were attacking public places, to send a message. A message that the entire wizarding world was understanding fear.

A fear of not knowing where was safe, a fear for loved ones. A fear for children, growing up in a world that was becoming more dangerous by the day. Jessica wanted to do something to help, her own fear put a stop to that thought, she still wasn't a confident dueller.

She arrived back at Shell Cottage in one piece, she whisked Fleur's dress upstairs preventing Bill from accidentally seeing her wedding gown. She came back downstairs Mary and Anna were playing in the living room, Archie wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Bill, where's Archie?" she asked

"He looked a little, so Fleur put him down for a nap,"

"Oh, alright," she said, Jessica walked to her room, she kneeled on the fall, stroking his hair out of his eyes, he felt a little warm,

"Sweetie, it's mummy can you sit up a minute," he listened, she placed her hand on his forehead

"You're burning up," she picked him up, he wrapped his arms around her neck coughing, she told Bill she was taking Archie to St.Mungo's just to get checked over.


Jessica paced up and down the hall as she waited for Archie to be seen by the mediwitch, once he was checked over, the mediwitch told Jessica it was just a bad fever. She gave him a potion to help his fever, they waited for the potion to take effect in case he had a bad reaction. Archie perked up a little, having more colour in his cheeks.

"You're already looking a little better," she said smiling at him,

"Can we go home I want to play with River now," Jessica nodded, brushing his hair back.

Archie held his mother's hand as they left the hospital, the nurse advised against using portkeys for a few days until the fever had completely gone away. Jessica chuckled as Archie was swinging her arm back and forth, she turned her head narrowing her eyes.

She could have sworn someone was watching them, she held Archie's hand more firmly hurrying down the street. She turned a corner quickly, turning back around the corner, she kneeled down lifting Archie into her arms. Jessica ran as quickly as she could, bumping into someone.

"Careful," she looked up, Charlie smiled down at her

"Oh thank god, someone's watching us," his smile fell, he reached into his coat pocket, two overgrown ferret-like creatures, looked up at him.

"Go do your thing,"

The two ferret-like creatures ran in the direction that Jessica was running from, Charlie took her hand taking her and Archie home, where they couldn't be found. 

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