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I arrive at this house that deena and her brother josh was at I get out and hear growling coming from her trunk"is Sam alright"
Deena ignores me I'm guessing she's possessed by something.

"Who's house is this","this girl name c berman she survived all of this I wanna know how maybe we can end this for good" we walk up to the porch and knock on it a women with brown hair opens the door"hi my names deena this my brother josh and my best friend y/n we heard that you survived the curse we wanna know how you survived it"  I look in the background and see clocks everywhere.

"Also my girlfriend is possessed by something and we think it's the curse","no I'm done I can't","we really wanna know I almost got killed twice and we lost our two best friends because of this" I said she let's us in and tells the whole story.

"Ok so all we need to find is sarah fier hand?" Deena says she nods her head yes"how did you survive those stab wounds" she sighs"it's a mystery" deena gets up"let's go we'll be back josh stay here with Sam just in case she tries to leave" deena grabs sam and tie her up inside of the bathroom.

Deena starts driving"I'm so glad this is gonna be over soon","tell me about it" we drive over something making the car flip over"oww that didn't hit the best place" I said deena groans we crawl out of the car"this is great this is never gonna be over" deena nose bleeds it touches the ground I turn over and see a cabin
"Maybe somebody can help in there" we walk inside and see a basement deena shines the light
Deena:"Sarah fier mhm wait this is her grave I heard we just need her hand and this will all be over with"
I see a flashlight
Nick:"anybody here from the car crash if so let me know"
Y/n:"who the hell called it in so fast"
Deena:"don't you think it'd weird that Nick knows where your at 24/7 like he has a tracker on you or something"
Y/n:"never crossed my mind"
Deena:"it never crossed your mind Jesus your so in love with him to the point you don't know if he's following you or not"
I scoff
Y/n:"I'm not in love with him"
I said lying obviously.
Nick:"deena are you down here?"
Y/n:"how the hell does he know what your car looks like"
Deena:"oh but it doesn't cross your mind he's a creep come on" we go up the steps and walk out the back door of the abandoned cabin
Y/n:"what are we gonna do sam is possessed and we just found Sarah grave"
Deena:" if c berman remember where the hand was maybe we could put an end to this and get Sam back"
Y/n:"alright it's gonna be a long walk hopefully we can hitch a ride from here"
A flashlight hits my eyes
Y/n:"Jesus what the hell"
Nick:"hanging out with deena again all she does is starts trouble come on let me take you home"
Y/n:"ok Nick I get that you're worried about me but me and Deena are doing something important"
Nick:"fine I just want you to be careful whatever you guys are doing" he puts his palm on my cheek
Nick:"I love you" he kisses me and walks off
Deena:"I love you" she mocks over to me I chuckle and we head back to C Berman house.
We enter
Y/n:"where exactly is her hand"
Berman:"in a home a home of someone I never thought I'd encounter again y/n if so I'd like if you go home Deena can stay this is a very sensitive topic and I only trust deena"
Y/n:"I-ok see you later deena"
I walked down the street Nick pulls up next to me I'm starting to think about what Deena said
Y/n:"out of curiosity do you follow me around"
Nick:"no I just keep a extra eye on you when you're with deena"
Y/n:"exactly following me"
Nick:"what are you doing here at this house"
Y/n:"nothing just chilling with deena why?"
Nick:"wanna head to my place" I grin
I get in
Nick:"what do you and Deena actually do you walked out of c Berman house"
Y/n:"you know her"
Nick:"old friend of mines"
Y/n:"old friend?"
Nick:"don't worry about it just stay away from her home that's all"
Y/n:"she knows how to get rid of this whole curse it could work out"
Nick:"just stay away from her she's psycho sleeps in a house with clocks surrounding her"
Y/n:"if I were her And experienced what she did I would've to"
We arrive at his house.

I walk in
Nick:"make yourself at home" I take my shoes off and place them by the door he starts kissing my neck
Y/n:"I just entered" I said chuckling I kiss him we fall on top of the couch
He takes his shirt off and I continue to kiss him my phone rings his arm pushes it off of the table I grab my phone
Nick:"answer it later"
Y/n:"relax it's just deena" I answer the phone
Deena:"meet me at the mall don't tell Nick"
Y/n:"isn't it cl-" the phone hangs up I groan
Y/n:"I gotta go deena need me"
Nick:"you need a ride?"
Y/n:"no I'm good it's not fa-" the horn beeps I see deena in a new car that's odd I grab my shirt and put it back on
Nick:"your coming back after right"
Y/n:"yea bye" I kiss him and leave
Deena speeds down the street
Y/n:"where are we going and why are we going to the mall this late didn't somebody die there what's going on"
Deena:"you'll see when we get there" we arrive and enter the mall a girl got killed at by a killer.
I see deena brother c Berman and the guy who worked at the mall previously and Sam tied up
Deena:"here's the plan Sarah fier likes blood so I'm giving her mines once it's in the bucket of water. Second we're getting all of the killers in here and locking them inside of these doors your gonna hold on to it until they go inside when they enter shut it and somebody's gonna enter and this is all gonna end tonight"
Y/n:"what wait who's going to end it"
Deena shoved a gun in my hand
Deena:"spray it all the way inside once they enter shut it immediately" everybody else is in position

I grab the rope when I see the milkman slowly going I close it and so does everybody else
Deena:"guys follow me now" I hear footsteps I got up following Deena but stop in my tracks
I make out a figure Is that nick.
Y/n:"nick?"he comes up to me
Nick:"what are you doing here?"
Y/n:"how'd you know I was here"
Berman:"oh he knows" I turn around
Berman:"nick is the reason why all this is happening it's been happening for centuries in the goode family nick gives a name to the devil for an example Ryan Torres he randomly started killing people so that the devil can feed on their blood. And the goode get whatever they want Nick becomes a sheriff his brother become mayor"
Nick:"don't believe them hun you know I'd do no such thing to put you in harms way she's crazy"
My eyes get heavy with tears flowing down my eyes
Y/n:"that's why you follow me every where you knew"
Nick:"don't believe them berman she's jealous of me ok she still loves me"
He kisses me aggressively when I feel a stinging sensation In my back I feel blood coming out of my mouth.
Nick:"I'm sorry I love you" blood comes up my throat some landing on his face I fall over still choking on my blood my visions gets blurry
Deena:"y/n!" Nick grabs me before deena can he puts me on his back and run to his car he throws me in the back seat
Nick:"I'm so sorry" he closes the door and drives off with me In the backseat I black out

Falling in love with nick goode Where stories live. Discover now