Chapter 23

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When Castor woke the next morning, she didn't think she'd ever felt worse

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When Castor woke the next morning, she didn't think she'd ever felt worse. Her whole body hurt, and with every movement she felt her bones aching and protesting. She flexed her hands first, then her toes. She groaned in pain again.

"She's waking up." Someone beside her bed spoke. That was Pollux's deep voice. Castor blinked a few times, waiting until her world came back into focus. It was so bright, the hospital wing's large open windows letting in the natural sunlight of the late morning. There was a breeze that wafted through the window above her, the day already warming with the sun.

"What happened?" Castor looked around, there were several people surrounding her bed. Pollux was seated on the chair next on her right, looking exhausted, but mostly okay. Then there was Harry standing next to him, Hermione sitting on the edge of her bed by her feet. Harry's cheek was still scratched and raw from his tumble with the Whomping Willow, and Hermione's cut on her cheek was mostly healed by Madam Pomfrey.

The Weasley boys were sitting on her left. Ron was sitting due to his leg still being wrapped up tightly, and Fred and George were standing just behind him, both looking very worried for her. It seemed she was the last of them to recover from their escapades with the rat, the wolf, and the dog.

"You took on a werewolf!" Ron gasped at her. Castor's eyes flickered to Fred and George behind him and then to her brother.

"They know already. Everyone does." Her twin scowled.

"How?" Castor shifted further up on her pillows.

"Professor Snape leaked it to the entire Slytherin house." Pollux helped her adjust herself to sit up further after she grimaced. "What do you remember?"

Castor recalled the events of the previous night. She remembered Buckbeak's execution. She remembered chasing after Ron, and his stupid rat, who turned out to be Peter Pettigrew. She remembered how Snape refused to listen to reason and was going to turn in Sirius and Remus without hearing the truth. She and Harry attacked Snape. She remembered how they'd made it back out of the Shrieking Shack, how Remus turned into a werewolf. She remembered how she'd thrown herself at the wolf after she'd lost her wand. How its claws had sliced through the pale skin of her shoulder and across her forearm. And then...nothing.

"I remember everything until I blacked out." She met the eyes of her friends around her. "What happened after that? Where's Sirius? How's Professor Lupin?"

So, they told her everything. How Pollux had followed after Harry as he ran after Sirius. How they were attacked by dementors.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Castor fretted. Pollux gripped her hand tightly.

"I'm alright. I promise." He reassured her with a smile.

He told her about how he'd been able to cast a full corporeal patronus, how it along with a stag patronus had protected him, and Harry, and Sirius.

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