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Alyx's POV

Later that night, I was trying to go back to sleep but I couldn't do it. The scene of Daryl getting ripped apart from my dream kept replaying in my head.

A few long hours later, the sun finally came up and the group started to wake from their deep slumbers. As I passed Carl's cell on my way down to the common room, I peeked in. Taking notice of the soundly sleeping baby beside him, I tried my best to be quiet.

I gently tiptoed over to him and poked his cheek. His eyes instantly flew open and he reached for his gun.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Easy there tiger!" I whispered yelled, chuckling as I put my hands up in fake surrender. He rolled his eyes but I could still see the faint smirk on his lips as he got up and out of bed.

Together, we made our way downstairs and grabbed some breakfast. The new people were sitting at the tables, eating and conversing quietly.

"We would love to stay, we can gather our own food and supplies" Tyreese said as he gently placed his bowl of beans on the table. Hershel looked at me as if he was asking what I thought. I nodded my head, saying that I wanted them them to live with us.

"We wouldn't mind, but it's not up to us. Our leader isn't here right now." He said calmly.

"When will he be back?" The other man, who's name I leaned is Allen said.

"We don't know, but soon. A large portion of our group is with him" I said, taking a seat in between Gray and Ethan. Ethan was indulged in a novel, while Gray was gazing at Beth. He lightly hit his shoulder with a small smile on my face. He quickly shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

"You like her?" I teased. He blushed a deep shade of red and awkwardly coughed.

"What? No, no way. I met her like yesterday" He rambled, all whole staring at Beth from across the room.

I was about to tease him some more when Riley walked in with Judith in her arms. The small baby gurgled as she pulled at Riley's dirty blonde hair.

Sasha looked surprised to see a baby and carefully walked over to them. She peered down at the new born and smiled.

"How are you?" She asked the teenager. Riley looked up at Sasha with a confused expression in her face.

"She's not mine" Riley said adding a soft chuckle at the end.

"Where's the mother?" Sasha asked. We all looked down and sighed. Carl wiped his eyes and shook his head.

"She didn't survive childbirth" Hershel said sadly.

"I'm sorry" Sasha said as she walked over to her brother.

"Man you guys have been through a lot" Tyreese said, looking around at us.

"Haven't we all?" I asked rhetorically. He nodded and sat down in front of me.

"What you do before this?" He asked, folding his arms and leaning on the table.

"US Army"I said proudly. His eyes widen a little and he smirked. "How bout you?"

"I was a Professional football player" He said. I chuckled and turned my attention to Hershel, who was telling everyone about something.

"You're the only decent folks we've come across in a long time" Sasha said, sighing and folding her arms.

"You've been out there all this time?" Hershel asked.

"We had this neighbor who was always preparing for the end of the world. He had a bunker under his shed. We stayed there for a while, until we ran out of supplies" He took a breath as if he was remembering something. "All these dead people walking around. It makes us living a little more like the living"

"Ben and Allen were the first people we ran into. Then Grayson and Ethan later on. They were with their dad, but he got separated" he continued.

My breath hitched in my throat and I let out a strangled cough. I stared at the twins with my eyes wide and my mouth open. Grayson and Ethan looked at me with their eyes gazed downwards. My heart started to beat two times faster and I placed my head in my hands. Letting out a deep sigh, I rubbed my eyes and shut them tightly.

"What?" Sasha asked as she noticed my sudden movements.

"Uh... That was my dad too" I trailed off, nervously looking at the shocked faces of the group.

"These are your brothers?" Carl asked, jumping up from his seat and rushing over. I nodded hesitantly. He smirked and plopped beside us.

"Cool!" Him and Riley said in sync. I grabbed a hold of Grayson's arm and quickly pulled him out of the common room and into a cell a little distance away from the group.

"Why were you with dad?" I asked worried. He rubbed the back of his neck and wiped his eyes where tears were starting to form.

"My mom left us a few years after you left and we had to move in with him" he said sadly at the mention of his mother. I put my hands on his shoulders and peered into his deep brown eyes.

"Did he...h-hurt you?" I hesitantly asked. A few tears built up in his eyes as he nodded. "Ethan...?"

He shook his head furiously. "No, no I had to protect him. I had...I had too" he muttered. I squeezed his shoulders and pulled him to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and squeezed his torso. I heard his quiet sobs fill the cell as he let his sadness and anger towards our father out.

"It's okay, he's not here anymore" I said and he buried his face into my long dark hair.

"I love you so much Gray"

He nodded and cried harder into my neck, wetting my hair and shirt with his tears.

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