My thoughts on Feminism

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"Feminism isn't about making women stronger. Women are already strong, it's about changing the way the world perceives that strength."
G.D. Anderson

In my own words,I think Feminism is equality.Equality for all races,all genders,all affiliations. It's about choice and freedom.A girl/woman should not be oppressed just because she is a girl.We all have rights.The fact that someone would say that we use r@pe as an excuse is misogynistic and annoying itself.I think that women should be heard and have the right to speak up.It's not what we wear but the demeanour of ravagers that needs to be changed.Don't protect your daughter,educate your sons.I know that women r@pe too but the majority of men do it.Not all men but enough to cause fear.The amount of misogyny is just disgusting.

 A Utopian socialist and French philosopher,Charles Fourier,in which the words feminism/feminist (féminisme) (féministe) was formulated.The first pioneering feminist was Christine de Pizan,born in Venice/Italy.She believed that women’s roles were distinct from men’s and the fact that some men did not desire to have women educated.At the age of fifteen, Christine married Etienne de Castel.They both had three children and ten years later,her husband passed away.Instead of remarrying, she decided to continue with her writing.She produced a total of ten volumes of poetry, most notably a number of so-called complaints, which in medieval literature means “protest poems." In one of her published works, "The Book of the City of Ladies,"it lists the accomplishments of women and resulting in the establishment of a city only populated by women.

Not to get too political with information but there is a question that bothers me immensely.

" Why do some men r@pe girls/women?"

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