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FROM HER PLACE BACKSTAGE, SHE HEARD THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER PLAY INSTEAD OF THE ORIGINAL MUSIC CAUSING HER TO ALMOST LAUGH. She saw the disco ball drop and the backdrop for 'the Start of Something New'. Just like rehearsals, Hattie and Ricky walked onstage when cued and sang perfectly when they were supposed to. The first song was a hit, it had everyone laughing and smiling from ear to ear which made Hattie glad as she stepped off the podium, Ricky following quickly behind her.

"You have an amazing voice." Ricky complimented. "Your a singer.. right?"

"Just the church choir is all! Tried a solo and nearly fainted." Hattie looked toward the audience giving a faint smile.

"Really? Why is that?" Ricky asked.

"I took one look at all the people staring only at me and the next thing I knew, I was staring at the ceiling. End of solo career." The line earned the audience to laugh which always was good, meaning she delivered the line well. "But you've sounded like you do a lot of singing!"

"Oh sure lots. Yeah, my shower head's really impressed with me." Ricky smiled, looking toward the audience, earning more laughter.

Hattie looked up in awkwardness, expecting to hear the firework audio, "Oh gosh! Uh.. sounds like the fireworks have started! Can you hear them..?"

The basketball monitor went off instead of the fireworks which made everyone startled, including Hattie causing her to jump a tad but slowly regain character. The scene ended quickly afterwards, thank god, but Hattie had to hurry. She had a quick change that had to be done very quick and thankfully it did. When she went in the dressing room, she spotted Carlos and Nini teaching Kourtney moves.

"How's it going? Everything going good Kourt?" Hattie asked.

"I think she's getting it!" Carlos exclaimed as Hattie squealed out of cheer.

"Oh my gosh, there's like a hundred parts." Kourtney groaned.

"Yeah, that was two counts of eight but continue drilling." Carlos reassured, stepping out of the room.

Kourtney sighed and sat on a chair, looking up at her two friends. "I don't know about this."

"Trust the process." Nini smiled.

"But what if it's a mess?" Kourtney questioned.

"Then the three of us will go down together. Okay?" As the last scene came to an end, Nini looked toward the two girls. "It's your guys' scene. Good luck Kourt! Break a leg."

"And it starts in 30 seconds." Natalie alerted, causing Kourtney to freak and get up from the chair.

"Let's go Kourt!" Hattie yelped, grabbing her friend's hand and grabbing the props needed for the scene, making it onstage on time.

"What do you know about Troy Bolton?" Hattie asked gazing into the audience, finding her parents and Heather in the second row.

"Troy?! I wouldn't consider myself an expert on particular sub species." Kourtney looked into the audience losing train of thought as Hattie tapped on the book, alerting her back into reality. "However unless, you speak cheerleader as in 'oh my gosh, isn't Troy Bolton just a hottie super bomb?' The audience laughed as they went offstage, Hattie giving her a quiet high five as the two went back to the bomb shelter, squealing over how amazing Kourtney did. 

"How'd she do?" Nini asked as the two returned back.

"Amazing! I was so happy for her! Let's admire her  later okay?" While Kourtney was learning the dance for 'Stick to the Status Quo,' Hattie was getting changed for another quick change that evening.

"Ladies and gentleman, it is time for 'Stick to the Status Quo.' Multiple cheers were burst into the air, excited to perform the iconic number. "This is our biggest act one showstopper and you're all gonna kill it because I love you. Any questions?"

"I have a couple hundred." Kourtney answered, raising her hand.

"Wait how is the Taylor break gonna work? Gina's triography is really complex." Seb asked.

"I can run to the pit and have the orchestra cut that part." Carlos suggested.

"Or we could just have Gina do it!" Kourtney smiled, looking toward the front of the room where Gina was standing with a bright smile and cupcakes.

"Gina!" Everyone smiled as Carlos and Pen embraced her in a hug, excited that she came back.

"Sorry you guys I don't want to interrupt!" Gina apologized.

"How'd you get here?" Carlos questioned.

"A friend bought me a last- minute flight back. I was going to drop off these cupcakes and then hide in the gym and cheer you guys on." Gina informed.

"Gina no one in the gym wants to hide more than I do right now." Kourtney confessed.

"Wait are you playing Taylor?" Gina asked, looking down at Kourtney's attire.

"Yes, and it was nice and now it's your turn to save my butt and do the dance." Kourtney handed over the glitter tray prop, "Please.. I'm asking you."

"Can I?" Gina asked Miss Jenn.

Miss Jenn looked at her with fake disapproval for a couple of seconds then changed her exterior to approval. "Of course! You can do the curtain call together. Let's hit the halls people!"

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 , ricky bowen. Where stories live. Discover now