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BLUE SCOWLED AT the Babysitter's Agency ad as the club finished watching it.

"I don't even know what to say to that."

Blue sat down on Claudia's bed.

" 'Need a sitter? ' I came up with that!" Kristy exclaimed in frustration.

"Those girls are definitely in high school," Claudia mentioned.

"Why don't they just loiter at the mall and get stoned, like normal teenagers?" Blue questioned.

"No one's gonna want them instead of us, right?" Mary Anne whispered.

There was a pause.


Stacey snapped out of her trance, "No, definitely not!" she assured.

"Madame Secretary, will you please read our upcoming jobs?" Kristy requested with a fancy accent.

Mary Anne opened her computer and pulled up the job list.

"Stacey's sitting for Charlotte Johansson Thursday, Claudia's with the 3 youngest Pikes', I'm with the Marshalls' on Saturday and Sunday, and Blue's gonna be sitting for Anya Franklin Friday. Plus, the Newton's new baby is on its way any minute!"

The girls chattered in excitement.

"Ahem!" Kristy announced, making everyone go silent.

"Kim said that she's really going to rely on the club to watch Jamie in the early days." Mary Anne added.

"So then we're thriving!" Kristy cheered, "The babysitter's agency doesn't stand a chance! It's just proof of our success. They're trying to get a piece of our action, so we need to differentiate ourselves from the competition."

Kristy thought for a moment, but then her eyes widened. The brunette stood up.

"Kid kits."

There was a pause.

"Oh, Kristy, what's a kid kit?" she said in a high-pitched manner, "Well I'm so glad you asked!"

She went over to Claudia's desk and grabbed a big colorful box.

"Mary Anne, why do I love going over to your house so much?"

"Because it doesn't smell like a teenage boy?" Mary Anne suggested, making everyone giggle.

"Fair, but no. It's because your dad has every board game known to man. And, Stacey..." she paused, "I've actually never been to your house before, but I'm sure you've got loads of cool stuff."

"I can't wait to have you guys over, my mom just wanted to finish up the..." Stacey quickly thought of an excuse, "-bathroom renovations first, the old plumbing was a bit faulty," she explained.

"Oh, ok- Blue, she's got 3 older brothers which means, a boatload of gaming consoles,  a basketball hoop in the yard, tons of stuff. And Claudia, the motherload, imagine if Claudia brought all her awesome stuff every time we came to play- I mean, hang out."

Teenage Dream ➵ Dawn SchaeferWhere stories live. Discover now