Putting ourselves to use

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It was a few weeks after the whole incident. We've gotten used to Jk and Matthew, and Nightmare has been starting to trust them a little. Life has gone somewhat to normal and we cotinued our daily tasks. It turned out that Jk was used to building and he's been helping Nightmare rebuild. Blade and Matthew has spent some time in the barn. While Wolfie and Harly explored and searched for items. My life was kind of scattered.. I was doing different things everyday, and as time went on it felt a little weird. Life itself felt unreal. I kept trying to find out with Nightmare why exactly were we here. We had no beliefs, didn't know how we felt towards certain things, and no labels. Nightmare had a computer but there was no social use of it. We knew we had different personalites but we didn't know what else. We eventually decided to figure it out on our way and just keep going. "How's your leg doing Wolfie?" Blade asked. "Uhhh I dunno-" they responded. "How do you not know I-" Blade said. I just kind of laughed at them. "I dunno-" they repeated. "Well by looks it looks pretty good" I said. "Am I ready to come out now, I'm tired of sleeping in this ugly medic house" Wolfie whined. "Hey! I helped Nightmare build the medic house" I exclaimed. "Then you and Nightmare suck" they said plainly. I hung my head down awkwardly. "I'm gonna hang with the animals" Blade said. "Okay, bye Blade!" I said. "Bye" he said walking out of the medic house. "Well Wolfie you are free to go" I said jokingly. "FINALLY" they exclaimed hopping back up. They ran out leaving me there alone. I just chuckled. Knowing that I luckily found these people made this world a little less scary. Being alone for half a day then wasn't that bad. I laughed at that fact. I walked out and walked into the market. I felt like the market was mostly my job. I was glad it wasn't that badly damaged. For the rest of the afternoon I restocked the market area. I eventually went upstairs and sat at the small garden with Sponge. I petted her as I kind of dozed off. Nightmare walked upstairs. His clothes were covered in dust, and they were kind of ripped up. "Oh hey Summer" he said noticing me. "Hi Nightmare" I responded still kind of tired. "And hi Sponge" he said petting her. "How's the building going along so far??" I asked him. "Pretty good I guess, and I supposed Jk is cool." he replied. "I told youu" I exclaimed laughing. He smiled a bit before yawning, "I'm kind of tired, are you gonna go downstairs?". I shook my head, "I wanna stay up here". I gently petted Sponge still. "Oh okay, do you wanna bring Sponge to my room?" he asked. "I think I'll stay by the garden, I like it here" I said. "Well, goodnight Summer" he said opening the door to his room. "Goodnight Nightmare" I replied hanging my head down. He stood at the doorway for a few seconds before closing the door behind him.

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