never ever

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this is a short sequel to solar system

Quaking in his lover's arms gasping for breath, in theory, sounds like bliss, however, with the feelings arising from a traumatic nightmare while the other was sound asleep was more akin to hell.

George's eyes shot open, feeling the breath still escape his lungs despite being perfectly safe under a deep navy blue sky. He couldn't quell the shakes wracking his body and the tears slipping out onto his pale, flushed cheeks. The last thing he wanted to do was wake the blonde cradling him, still blissfully unaware of how his boyfriend was feeling, the churning and ache in his gut at the heart-wrenching movie he just watched play out behind his eyes.

Boyfriend, huh?

It was something that didn't hit the pair until a few days after they'd been reunited in their little corner of the world. The sleep deprivation had washed away and so did the high-intensity moments sparked leading to rash decisions and not much dwelling on reality. Even in the prison, Dream was so focused on how the brunette so perfectly molded between his fingers and against his own body he hadn't stopped to recognize that George loved him. He loved him the way Dream loved him and wanted to build a life together, leaving everything behind in their wake just for the blonde.

George still remembered Dream walking into the kitchen with mortification written all over his face along with red-tipped ears and rumpled hair. He remembered the stutters that came out of the blonde, tripping over sentences eventually leading to a coherent "You like me?" as if they were middle schoolers. George had laughed and stood on his toes to ruffle the sandy blonde hair he cherished and placed soft kisses along whatever skin he could reach easily, as Dream's face only grew darker shades of pink, delicately letting himself sink into the embrace.

The brunette was laughing until night fell and he himself rolled over and poked the cheek of his sun, urgently pulling at his sleeve to blurt out the same phrase dumbfoundedly letting his own face dust pink.

Now, George was trying to hold back the sobs growing in his throat as he desperately wanted his Dream to stay asleep. He deserved it, after the mental and physical hell he had been through over the months held in solitude.

The brunette shakily reached for the sheets in front of him, grasping hold of them and swallowing deep hiccups. Images of the walls caving in, and hoards of people swarming their piece of the Earth to rip them to shred, pulling and damaging the magnetic pull between the two, ripping, ripping, ripping, cold, cold, cold, cold-

"Georgie?" A soft voice mumbled as the strong arms around him tightened.

The brunette was pulled from his never-ending mind and came to realize he was fully sobbing, whimpers and whines falling along with the trembles in his body.

Dream sat up, never removing his arms from George as he was pulled to straddle the taller's thighs. His hands found their way to clinch the shirt fabric in front of him, continuing to let tears fall; There was no way or point in trying to stop them.

A large hand slid its way up to meet a pale cheek, thumbing away the tears as George helplessly nuzzled into the touch.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked, keeping his other hand sturdy on the other's waist as an anchor.

There was a pause as the brunette let his skin be burnt under Dream's touch, scorching him with the fire within. Dream was always warm.

"They were coming to take you away," George hiccupped, succumbing to sobs again and falling forward against the blonde's chest, strong arms instantly wrapping around to stroke brunette curls and the small of his back.

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