chapter one: stellar!

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chapter one   stellar!

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chapter one   stellar!


"Who'd you see?" Eda grumbles, "and maybe try and be a bit more quiet. I'm trying to glue this properly."

"Oh shut it Eda, let Quinn have her fun," Willa rolls her eyes.

"I agree with Willa!" Monet calls out from across the room where she's trying to plug her guitar into her amp underneath her table/makeshift stage ( with little success mind you ).

"Thank you girls," Quinn huffs, "not including you Eda."

"Piss off Quinn," Eda says with both middle fingers pointed up at Quinn.

"Whatever, Eda just close your scrapbook, and everyone pay attention!" Quinn squeals, her fingers pointed at Quinn.

"OK! Fine! Geez!"

"Ha ha very funny Eda," Quinn replies dryly before clearing her throat and putting on a deep voice, "drumroll please ladies."

At Quinn's request the group starts drumming their hands against whatever they can find. Eda pats her hands softly on the top of her thick scrapbook, while Willa thwacks her hands against the table repeatedly. From beneath Monet's table/stage, she hit the floor.

"All right girls! I saw Remus Lupin," Quinn exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air, "funky, right?"

Eda scoffs, "I don't think so."

"Yeah," Willa agrees, "he's not anything special."

"No you don't get it guys. Remus Lupin got cute! He's a total hunk now."

Monet, who had gone quiet ever since hearing the name 'Remus', hit her head against the top of the table she's sitting under, creating a loud bang. This made the group turn to face Monet and caused Willa to have an epiphany.

"Ouch ouch ouch!"

"That's right... Monet has a fat crush on him."

Monet's now beet red face seemed shocked that the girls had noticed her past crush on the boy. She hid it super well, how did they even notice? The sudden attention on Monet made her mouth open and shut as she fumbled over her words.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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