vii. love?

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After their research, the pogues took a quick leave so as not to get Maelynn in trouble. She waved them all off - with an extra wink for JJ - and went back to her responsible cleaning with no drinking. She hated Kelce's mix. 

Sarah had taken Wheezie home, so she was left with the boys. They were being rowdy and loud, which wasn't even a little bit out of character. 

'Y'all wanna go golfing tomorrow?' Topper asked. Rafe immediately said yes, while Kelce explained that he had stuff to do at home. 'Maelynn? You coming?'

'Do you remember what happened last time you let me near a golf ball?'

Topper laughed. 'Oh, yeah. When you hit it straight into the cart-'

'Shut up!' she clapped her hands over his mouth. 'I can't forget it, so there's no reason to repeat it!'

'But I want to know,' Kelce pouted. 

'Oh, suck it.'

'Suck what?'

'My gigantic di-'

'I hope you're all being appropriate over there!' Ward hollered. Maelynn shrank back sheepishly and smiled at him. 

'Of course we are!'

Ward shook his head and went back to his cleaning, leaving the boys and girl to dissolve in a fit of giggles. They shook their heads at Maelynn's abysmal lying skills. 

'How do you get away with anything?' Kelce asked. Maelynn shrugged her shoulders and picked up a loose shoe. 

'I guess dad just hears what he wants to hear.'

ミ⛧ ミ⛧ ミ⛧

'Are you coming over later?' Topper asked as he dropped her off at the Carrera's. They had been doing too much drinking to be responsibly driving, but it wasn't far to get there. 

'I'll see,' she replied. 'If I don't, take good care of Sarah. Don't let Rafe get into any fights.'

'You bet. Have a fun night, whatever you end up doing.'

She patted his hand and got out, giving him a wave as she entered the restaurant. She was barely three steps inside the door when JJ came running at her and picked her up in a spinning hug. 


'Sorry,' he said as they spun. 'I bet Kie I could beat her at saying hi to you. So, hi.'

'Hi, JJ.'

He put her back down gently, smiling a dazzling smile. 'You look very nice.'

She looked down at her clothes. Oh, right. She was still wearing his shirt. 'Thanks. I love it.'

'Yeah, me too.'

Kiara popped up behind him and smiled brightly at Maelynn. 'Hi!'

'Hi, Kie. How are you?'

'Oh, you know. Preparing for all the gold we're gonna get.'

Maelynn grinned and high-fived her over JJ's shoulder. 'Sick. Pope, John B? How are you guys?'

'Good!' Pope called back. He looked to be examining the underwater drone. 

'Same,' John B said from the doorway to the patio. 

'Good, good. So, what's the status with the drone? Where did you guys even get it?'

'The junkyard,' JJ said smugly. 'It was so smooth.'

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