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I finally graduated. At least that's the good thing that happened to me since Emily... I always thought she would always be a true and loyal friend, especially Jake, I fell for his trick and slept with him after, all that was what he wanted and he got it. What a fool I was. I was better off by myself being a lonely girl, I guess this is my reality.

After my graduation ceremony my mom decides to throw a party, " we should celebrate dear...and you can bring your friends over what was her name?" said mom as she wipes the counter in a circular motion.

E-Emily I said forcing her name out, I tried to fight back my tears, I know at this moment I should feel happy... But Emily's name stabs me in my heart." mom, I don't have friends" I got up from the couch.

My mom looked at me with her eyes wide open trying to figure out what happened "but..." my mom stuttered with a confused expression.

mom...I lied, I never had a friend I said as I climbed the stairs as fast as my legs could take me. I shed tears like never before my eyes were burning. I went to the bathroom and opened the tap to wash my face with the cooling water. I stare at my reflection in the mirror please God give me something that will make me happy, I just wanna forget about Jake! my face turning even redder.

I went to bed around eight. I don't usually sleep this early but I didn't want to think about Jake.
Before I get the chance to switch off the lamp that is placed next to my bed there was a knock on the door "dear! Can I come in?" mom said

"yeah mom" I said as I sit upright.

My mom walks in, sits beside my bed reaching her hand on mine." I want to tell you something, I hope you don't overreact or anything like that" said mom as she rubs my hand gently and locked her eyes into mine.

mom, tell me what is it I said curiously. I take my glasses from my bedside drawer and put them on.

"okay...I have someone decent for piont is you can't live like this" mom said

I wasn't so clear what my mom was trying to say at that point. "mom, you making me feel more curious," I said as I slip my hand away from her in a slow motion.

"I'm talking about marriage" my mom said waiting for my reaction.

"Finally! Something amazing had come to my life mom! That's great news, I thought something bad I suppose."

"so you are agreeing? said, my mom". I can see the happiness in her eyes.

The past few years nothing interesting happened to me. I hope this new person will love me for who I am. yes! I said loudly just because of how excited I was.

My mom told me that he is a decent good-looking guy and also a billionaire too, after all, what could go wrong. 

I decide to agree on the party my mom mentioned earlier, I know it might be a bit too late to start a party but my mom is a fast and the best cooker. I invited some family members in the meantime.

Everything was set and planned, in a few minutes the doorbell rang, "I'll get that!" I said walking towards the door. I welcome the guests as they enter with a big smile congratulating me.

"Hey!" said my mom's friend making me jump from my seat at the dining table. I always hated her for some reason she loved to show off but I don't know what mom sees in her that they became such close friends. I remember she used to pull my ears when I was naughty. I was always a troublemaker as a kid.

"Hi..." Angle I said lowering my gaze

"I see you have changed" said Angel as she push her hair to the back.

I couldn't tell if she was complimenting me or teasing me, she always has that grumpy face that makes you throw up.
I kept my mouth shut I didn't wanna say anything. My mom came by "I too are already getting along with each other, let me play the music a little louder" said my mom as she winked at Angle, I ignored them.

After we danced for sometime. We all sat at the dining table. The food steamed swiftly in the atmosphere of the room making my mouth watery. I couldn't wait, I was the first to start dishing for myself.

Having late dinner was over, everyone was leaving the house getting in their cars.

" should meet my son soon" said Angle, her shining dress disturbed my eyes as she walked out at the front door.
My mom stood there looking at me with her serious face. I was worried and scared at the same time thinking about what I have done wrong this time.

I'll go and take a shower I said trying to avoid her.

"you need to be closer with Angle you know" my mom said as she takes a small sip of her red wine.

"mom, I'm so exhausted" I said.

I got upstairs and took a quick shower. I whipped the foggy mirror from the shower steam with my hand staring at my reflection, you need to be closer with Angle you know. My mom's voice plays in my head. I wasn't so sure what she meant when she said that...I mean she never said such a thing before.

After I applied some body lotion I put on a black buggy T-shirt and with shorts and straight to bed I was in a deep sleep.

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