035 ::: Never Shop

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Hi! It's been so long since I updated and I am sorry - I know, I am always saying that but I truly am. I can't guarantee when I will update again, I mean, it's summer and it has been so busy for me.

Anywho, enjoy! :) <3

I was stuck.

In the days following the revelation of the planned rebellion, and my involvement, albeit minimal and vague, I found myself struggling to come up with an authentically false way to slowly become closer to Xaler.

Going slow and making it seem real was the most important aspect of my contribution to this takeover. I knew if I just did a complete 180 then Xaler would without a doubt be suspicious of my newfound romantic behavior and sudden interest. As much as I want to quickly connect and sooner bring his death upon him, it wasn't going to be that easy and I needed to take my time.

It was like the puzzles I used to put together with my mother before the wretched animals took over. We would work for weeks on puzzles, taking our time to scour the pieces, separating them into their own respective piles before beginning the journey of building the picture together.
No matter the shape, no matter the size, every single piece was important in its own way but still needed to work with every other piece in order to create a beautiful harmony and come together.

My pieces were currently jumbled and I was stuck figuring out exactly how to separate them into piles. Though the time we have left here seems like plenty, in reality, it isn't - the remaining time I have been allowed to complete this task is less than desirable.

But, the one, and only, way I have come up with so far is just to simply hang out with him when possible. However, he is constantly doing some type of work regarding the monstrosities that it leaves a ghastly narrow window for me to make any progress. Considering that his work ethic today seems lackadaisical, I decided to make my first attempt at completing my mission.

Currently, Xaler is sitting on the couch, a computer and papers put in front of him on the table. He is leaned back with one leg resting over the other as he lazily flips through a stack of papers. What those papers hold, I have no idea, but I am guessing they are of some type of importance considering they're in Xaler's hands.

One way I bonded with my mother growing up, as well as my siblings-and Cal-was just spending time together doing some kind of activity, baking, cooking, puzzles, whatever. And this was how I was going to start connecting with Xaler.

That doesn't stop my nerves though as I stand hesitantly at the kitchen wall the blocks off the living room. I had talked to him plenty of times, though most of those ended in me being unconscious, our interactions haven't been pleasant in the slightest, I still never wavered. But it's different now. Now there is something relying on my success and I want nothing more than to be successful in this plan. There was a lot riding on my shoulders with this and if don't-

"Are you just going to stand there or..." he trailed off.

I jumped back in fright, grabbing my elbow that knocked against the wall, "you scared me," I all but growled out, mad that he frightened me out of my thoughts.

He ignored my reaction, but not entirely as he smirked, looking back to the papers in his hands and resuming what looks to be pointless, shuffling through them.

Xaler sighed, "is there a reason you're standing there and staring at me, Rosie?"

I stepped forward and lowly cleared my throat and tried to stop wringing my hands together. I needed to look natural or as close to it as I possibly can.

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