Chapter 1

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The Gauntlet, the former ship of the former Sith Lord Maul and formerly known as the Nightbrother. Floated through space quietly as one of its engines sparked and flames emitted from it.

After helping what was left of Phoenix Squadron escaped the clutches of the Empire, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, and Chopper departed the planet Atollon with the remnants of the Rebel cell. However during the battle, several TIE Fighters managed to deliver a few shots onto their ship, destroying one of its engines. To make it even worse, the hyperdrive was damaged in the process as well, so they unexpectedly dropped out of hyperspace mid-way with their allies. Now the Gauntlet floated in the abyss that was space with little power.

"Life support is still active." Sabine muttered as she checked the ships systems for like the hundredth time

"Good." Ezra replied as he leaned back in his seat, "How long until we run out of power?"

"At this rate..." Sabine replied worryingly, "A few days, maybe less."

Ezra sensed her fear and tried to comfort her, "Relax Sabine, Kanan will find us. They all will."

"Let me guess." she sighed, "Trust the force?"

"Well that depends, what do Mandalorians trust the most?"

"Their clan." Sabine retorted, "Which I just back only to get separated from once more...though that's not your fault."

Chopper, who was at a nearby terminal, made a bunch of beeping noises as he waved his mechanical arms frantically.

"What is it Chop?" Ezra asked him

"Chopper's picking up a nearby planet we can land on for survival." Sabine muttered

Relief quickly swept over the two as they realized they weren't going to suffer in the cold vacuum of space.

"What planet is it?" Ezra questioned, "Is it Imperial?"

Sabine looked at the data Chopper showed her, "Hmm, according to Chopper, the planet's located in the Unknown Regions."

"That means we're in the Unknown Regions too." Ezra muttered, "What else is there?"

"Not much." said Sabine, "Doesn't show up on any Imperial data banks."

"So, we stick to the shadows, avoid contact, and survive." Ezra muttered

"Pretty much." Sabine replied, "Chopper, set a course."

"Whoa whoa whoa, who said you can bark orders on my ship?" Ezra asked her, it was obvious he was joking a bit

"Uh, this is a Mandalorian ship." Sabine retorted, "And I'm a Mandalorian, so it's mine."

"Hey I'm the one who stole it from Maul." Ezra further added, "I used to get you and help from your family."

"You don't even know Mandalorian hardware." Sabine shot back, "So you're still alive because of me and my knowledge of this ship."

"It's mine!"

"No it's mine!"

Chopper then interrupted their childish conversation with a loud series of grumpy beeps. THe two turned to look at him.

"What!?" they shouted

Chopper then announced that they were approaching the planet, and soon entering its atmosphere.

They noticed that the planet was composed of five continents, one subcontinent, and various oceans. The terrain was a myriad of greens, blues, greys, reds, browns, whites, and tans. The planet also only had one moon, which appeared to be broken. Almost as if something rammed into it and shattered its side.

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