Getting out of hand

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You, Zemo, Bucky and Sam were walking down a busy street, trying to figure out a plan.

"I heard what became of Sokovia. Cannibalized by its neighbors before the land was cleared of rubble, erased from the map. I don't suppose any of you bothered visiting the memorial?"

Zemo waits for an answer, but you three stay quiet.

"Of course not. Why would you? We are here." Zemo scoffed.

You then reached a shop and you felt Bucky stop suddenly.

"I'm gonna go on a walk." Bucky scans his surroundings like he was sensing something.

"You good?" Your voice cracked.

"Yeah. I'll see you guys in a bit." Zemo and Sam without a worry walk up the stairs but you stood there for a moment. Bucky nods for you to follow. "I just need to clear my head." Bucky assures you.

You nodded as you follow Zemo and Sam up to the room.

As you entered, you didn't hesitate and went straight for the bar area. You grabbed a glass and poured yourself a drink. You felt Sam's eyes wander over to you.

"I can feel you judging me." You snicker as you took a sip. Sam walked over to you and signaled you to pour him one. You cracked a smile and did so.

"What's the matter?" Sam out of the blue questioned you.

As you went to take another sip, you set your cup down. "What do you mean?" You lied. You smacked your lips too.

"Come on, Y/N. This game?" Sam noticed.

"What game?" You scoffed.

"Fine." Sam seemed a little annoyed. "Bucky?"

"For one, he is a terrible listener." You simply told Sam but he knew it was deeper than that.

"And a terrible leader." Zemo out of nowhere came out of the bathroom with a robe, drying his hair.

"Hey, no one asked you." You shot to Zemo. You then gulped down the rest of your drink that was more than halfway full.

"And?" Sam tried to get more out of you.

"And?" You scoffed again and set down your drink. "Sam, come on. I can feel that he can't stand to be around me."

"What? You are totally reading him wrong." Sam corrected you.

"Then why are we fighting every single chance we get?" You questioned Sam, desperately looking at him to give you an answer.

"You two just have strong opinions sometimes." Sam shrugged.

"Nah, it's more than that." You shake your head.

"He doesn't forgive himself, obviously." Sam noticed and pointed out to you.

You sighed, "Well, that's on him." You shot. Immediately after saying that, you felt terrible. You groaned frustratedly to yourself. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean that."

"Do you forgive him?" Sam questioned you, desperately wanting you to answer.

"Hmm, let me think. He killed my grandparents, lied about it when he knew I was falling for him hard. Almost killed me like twenty times, stabbed me, choked me. What do you think, Sam." You sarcastically shot.

"Y/N-" Sam shot in a watch your tone attitude.

"Of course I forgive him, Sam! I forgave him a long time ago! I love him. I don't want to see anything bad happen to him! I want to protect him from everyone and everything that is bad in this world! But I can't, and you know why? Let me tell you Sam why I can't. Because there is a part of me who doesn't feel like I should be happy because of me leaving my mom when she needed me the most. I left my mom when Tony died because I couldn't handle it. And how did I handle it?! Like a coward and Bucky does not deserve to have a coward in his life because he deserves so much more and I can't give him that!" You ranted and lost your breath for a moment. You sighed out heavily, trying to keep your cool and not tear up.

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