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Jungkook and Jimin are newly married. Their marriage was arranged by their friends.

It was Jimin's best friend Taehyung and Jungkook's best friend Yoongi who arranged their marriage.

Taehyung's mom didn't want her son to marry Yoongi and Hoseok, till she made sure Jimin was married first. Jimin was an orphan from when he was 12 years old and Taehyung's mom had taken him in, seeing that none of Jimin's relatives took responsibility for him. She really loved Jimin and had hoped that her son would end up marrying the boy but sadly they loved each other only as best friends. She didn't want Jimin to feel lonely when Taehyung would marry and move out so she tells Taehyung to first find someone for the boy.


Jimin had agreed to Taehyung's wishes because he knew Mrs Kim was strict on her decisions. He trusted Taehyung blindly. If the boy said that his future husband was a good man and would love him and take care of him, then Jimin had no doubts whatsoever. Jimin knew how much Taehyung wanted to finally get Yoongi's and Hoseok's name added to his and so he readily agreed. He was grateful to the Kim family for everything they have done for him.

It was not a one sided relationship though, Jimin took up a lot of part time jobs while he studied in high school and contributed to the household. Jimin had studied hard to earn a scholarship as well to lessen their financial burdens.


Jungkook on the other hand was a cold man. He didn't stand nonsense, after all his best friend was Min Yoongi, his role model. When Yoongi told Jungkook that Jimin was a smaller version of Taehyung, he was not interested at all. Jungkook hated Taehyung, okay, hate might be a strong word but he didn't like the boy's childish playful side that he had seen when Taehyung came to visit Yoongi. But Yoongi kept begging him to and so Jungkook agreed, fully ready to hate this boy but wasn't it a shocker when he realised that he had fallen for the cute boy at first sight.

They had all agreed to finally meet together on a sort of double date. Jungkook couldn't stop staring at the boy in front of him. He wouldn't let anyone else talk and would keep asking Jimin questions about random things. Jimin was indeed embarrassed from all the attention but it felt nice, Jungkook didn't judge him or look at him in disgust, instead he saw a man who was genuinely interested in him but still Jungkook managed to keep a neutral expressionless face as he continued conversing with the boy. Jimin found it hard to figure out if the man liked him, as to marry him or was the man just interested in a friendship of sorts


"I'm only agreeing to marry him because you are desperate to marry Taehyung and Hoseok..." Jungkook says, expressionless but Yoongi knew the boy pretty well, after all they both were similar in behavior and he knew there was no way anyone could force Jungkook to agreed to a huge decision such as marriage if he didn't want it himself


Their married life was pretty good. They slept together, ate breakfast and dinner together.

Jungkook was a bit particular about certain things or on how things should be in general but he was never rude about it. Jungkook just let Jimin know what he expected from or wanted from the boy

They were happy. By the end of 6 months, they had formed a good bond between the two


Currently Jungkook is in Seoul for a business meeting and will be back in 2 days. Jimin missed the man like crazy, missed Jungkook's warm scent while he slept

"...I miss you too Jimin.. you have no idea how much... just one more night and then you will be back in my arms again..." Jungkook says making Jimin's heart beat fast as he longed for it too

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