chapter forty four

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"Captains shake hands," yelled Madam Hooch, standing to the side of the large quidditch pitch.

James walked over to Bellicose Razi, the Slytherin captain and one of its beaters. The two were staring daggers at each other, each seemingly trying to crush the other's hand during the tense handshake.

The two teams mounted their brooms and away into the sky they went. Ophelia watched the game from afar for a few moments, watching James grab the quaffle, throwing it to Marlene, who then threw it to Geoffrey Fawley, braiding their way towards the Slytherin goalposts.

She then started circling around the pitch, looking for any sign of the golden snitch, a small flap of its wings, a quick reflection of the sun off of its golden shell. She heard a noise and looked, hoping to see the snitch, but instead, it was a bludger zooming straight towards her. She dived down, trying to get rid of it but it followed her and dived as well.

She swerved and curved a few more times before Arthur Brown, one of the Gryffindor beaters, hit it a nice ten meters across the pitch. The only problem was that it just came right back to Ophelia, similar to throwing a boomerang away and it coming right back to you. Ophelia ducked and grabbed tighter onto the broom handle. She sped away near a few other people but the only person the bludger wanted was Ophelia.

She flew away towards one of the far sides of the pitch, which happened to be the Slytherin side. She got close to the goalposts and yelled, "I think there's a rogue bludger!" to Regulus before flying away.

The Slytherin keeper looked a mix between angry and concerned before Ophelia had flown past him towards the castle.

She soared over the turrets, trying her best to avoid getting hit by the angry bludger. She swept over the lake and swore she saw a shadow of what could have been the giant squid. She climbed up the stone towers and fell down the other side, gliding smoothly on her broom.

The bludger wasn't as smooth as she was, however. It crashed into the stone siding, took a bit off of the roof, and got close to smashing a few windows on multiple occasions.

She soared away from the castle and back to the quidditch pitch where people were avidly watching her dodge the bludger. This didn't last all too long, though.

She flew as fast as she could, but the bludger was just a little bit faster, and soon, it hit her square in the back of the head. She lost her senses one by one in a matter of seconds.

First, sight. She could no longer see the crowds of people staring at her, waiting for her to finally get hit.

Then, touch. She couldn't feel her broom, she didn't know if she was still holding on or if she was falling rapidly towards the ground.

Finally, sound. The last thing she heard was hundreds of people letting out gasps and whispering wildly, and James' loud voice yelling out, "arresto momentum" as she fell completely unconscious.


Ophelia blinked a few times, getting used to the bright lights of the hospital wing. As soon as she made any sign of being conscious, Madam Pomfrey bustled over to her, doing her usual check-up routine and fussing over the smallest things. After a few minutes, she confidently concluded that Ophelia had a concussion but nothing else. This wasn't really a problem, Ophelia had gotten many concussions in the past, just none quidditch related.

Once Madam Pomfrey was completely done fussing over Ophelia, she walked to the large doors and opened them, sighing a defeated sigh, "Alright, you can come in now. But don't make too much noise, she needs her rest."

Four boys and a redhead all but ran over to Ophelia's bedside, each with worried expressions on their faces.

"Ophelia, are you alright? Nothing's broken is it? Do you have a concussion? Is there anything we can get you? Do you need any water or-"

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