Chapter 1

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First 3 chapters might be a little slow, but it's only because I wanted you to understand a little bit about Rosalie's life at home and what she's going through. The boy doesn't appear in these chapters but chapter 4 is where everything takes off and starts getting fun. =) But I reccomend you read these first 3, obviously. Haha just informing you it's not all boring! 

Chapter 1

It was a Monday morning, eighty-five degrees outside. Driving through Florida on our way to the airport was the most painful. School had just ended about a month ago, and summer was already flying by. I couldn't stop thinking about my friends, and how much I would miss them. I've never been the popular one of the group, and I've never dreamed of being in a crowd of cool kids, so I only had a few that were quite close to me. I was always a geek, singing in the school choir and joining the drama club for two years in middle school, but with my timid not so popular personality it definitely matched me. I had nothing else to do with my time, mostly because I didn't get into drugs and I was already an honor student, so I always stood off to myself.

I knew one thing that was for sure, and it was that I was definitely going to miss the heat. I was going to miss the sun shining on my face, the afternoon thunderstorms that would come by a little bit after three o'clock every day, and the beautiful crystal clear water at the beach. I was going to miss the way the sunlight would sneak into my bedroom in the morning, waking me up instead of having an alarm clock do it for me. I would also miss lounging outside in my backyard with oil covering my entire body, trying desperately for my pale skin to tan. I'd miss having picnics at the park with my sister Jamie, and rollerblading around the neighborhood in our bathing suits with our Ipods, singing songs at the top of our lungs as everyone drove by staring. We always were the center of attention. There was not a day that would go by without us having the time of our lives.

I would most certainly miss having lemonade stands, and getting all eyes on us by doing gymnastics on the front lawn and doing all kinds of flips and handstands. I'd miss a whole lot of stuff, but I knew that everything had to change. I knew my mother and father had their problems. I knew they didn't exactly get along the way most couples should, but I never let that stop me from loving them to death.

I loved being different, but I knew now everything would start to change, it already was. I felt lonely a lot, because my family life was so difficult, and I always felt the need for a true best friend but had yet to find one. Now boys on the other hand, that's an entirely different story. I was way too shy. Besides, I didn't even want to think about boys. Leaving my father was by far the worst part of this whole mess. I had Goosebumps accepting the fact that I was leaving everything I loved behind.

So here we were on our way to changing our lives, just because my parents were going through their divorce. They argued every minute they were together, but that still didn't mean moving all the way to Massachusetts was the best option. I could figure something out, possibly a way for me to ride my bike to my fathers' house, if we simply moved to another town. Now I would have to take a plane, and money put us in a very difficult situation.

My father's name is Paul, and he's a very nice, tall, easygoing man with dark black hair. Although I'm naturally blonde, I guess you could say I look a lot more like him than my mother. Her name’s Diane and she's had a really hard life growing up with her family, so I can tell she knows exactly how I'm feeling most of the time. She's always blaming herself for everything, and it hurts me to watch her put all the fault on her shoulders.

She's very young looking, and not one wrinkle has appeared yet. Her eyes are the most unique color, a baby blue, causing a light purple shade. Looking at her from the backseat of the car was pathetic. The way my parents were acting was completely selfish, and I couldn’t believe that they had the audacity to let us see this. If they wanted to act like children and hold this stupid grudge over absolutely nothing, at this time it wasn't appropriate. Why would they want us to see how much they despised each other? Why was my mother so mean to him in front of us? Why were we even moving so far away in the first place?

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