Chapter 22: The Journey Begins

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(Y/N)'s POV
"What?!" I shouted loudly. "B-but...they might get hurt!" I said in panic. "C-can I go with them?" I asked while pleading. "I guess you can. But please be're our only key..." King Orion said. "I-i will. I promise" I said.

"Good. Come with me" he said and I walked down the stairs with him. When we reached the main door, I walked out and was amazed by the beauty of the place.

We continue walking until I saw Ray. "Ray! Ray!" I shouted and quickly ran to him. "(Y/N)!" He said in shock. "Ray!!" I said and hugged him tightly. Meanwhile, Xander and Kanato were looking at Ray with eyes of jealousy.

"Are you alright?" Ray asked worriedly. I looked up at him and said "yeah...I think so". "Who are you?" Xander askes King Orion. "Im King Orion, ruler of Alastaire" King orion said.

"You all have to pass through Leveryl, Japphine, and Serena before reaching Wavyrie. Here is a letter. You can give the letter to the king or queen of the three kingdoms and let you all stay there for a while before continuing" King orion said and handed us a letter with cursive writing on it.

"Well, are we gonna depart now?" Kanato asked. "Yes, you may depart now. I wish you luck!" He said and we began walking away.

He actually gave us a choice and asked if we wanted to ride a carriage instead but we denied since we wanted to admire the world.

"(Y/N), in so glad you are alright" Ray said and I smiled. "Yeah, we were so worried about you" xander said and gave me a tight hug.

Ray growled a little but I ignore it. "(Y/N)! I missed you so much" Kanato said and tackled me to the ground. He placed his hands and face onto my boobs and began squishing them.

"K-Kanato!" I said, very flustered. Ray ripped Kanato off and carried me in his arms. "Aw, why'd you do that for?" Kanato asked and pouted.

After a few hours of walking, we reached a shady tree and we sat under it. "I'm so hungry..." I said. "Oh...we can go look for some food..." Ray said and I stood up.

"But where...?" I asked. " far are we from Leveryl?" Xander asked. "40 kilometres" Ray replied. "Ok, we need food though I'm not really hungry because of that special fruit" Xander said.

"Hmm, let's look for fruits since we are in a forest right now" Kanato suggested. "But how do we differentiate the non-poison ones and poison ones? This is a different world" I said while beginning to lose hope.

"You have a point..." Ray said. "How about we go fishing?" Xander said and I nodded. "First, let's find a lake or pond" Ray said and we began looking for a lake or pond.

Luckily, we found a lake and quickly began looking for stuff to build a fishing rod.

After we managed to build the rod, Xander searches for bait

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After we managed to build the rod, Xander searches for bait.
There were a few worms and he grabbed them with his bare hands. I shivered a little as I am afraid of worms. (Just pretend you are if you are not)

You scared of thwse?" Xander smirked and showed the worms right in front of my face. They were wriggling around and I immediately hugged Ray for protection.

"Don't scare her like that" Ray said and put his arm around me. "Pfft, you
are no fun" Xander said and baited the worm onto the sharp hook.

I threw the hook into the lake and we waited. When I saw that the bob has sinked, I asked Xander to reel it in. He reeled it in quickly and he caught a huge fish.

The whole process repeats until we got enough fishes, we began looking for a spot to camp for the night since it was already evening.

We eventually found a tiny cave with and we went in. I volunteered to collect firewoods and went out to search. All of them wanted to come with me so I agreed.

After gathering enough firewoods, we head back to the cave and put the woods onto the floor. Kanato surprisingly brought a lighter with him and lighted the wood.

The firewood began emitting flames and I put my hand out since I was cold. Then, rain began pouring and thunder could be heard.

We decided to cook the fishes we caught. I cleaned the fishes and Ray cooked them. While waiting, we began chatting.

"I already miss Daphne and Celine" I sighed. "Don't be sad...maybe we'll see them again once we retrieve the missing piece" Kanato said, trying to cheer me up.

'I hope that doesnt happen. What if those two messed up my plan and helped (Y/N) get away from me? I will never let that happen' all three of them thought.

When the fishes were cooked, we began eating them. "It tastes mild and fishy..." I said. "That's because i don't have seasoning or salt" Ray said.

"That's alright. At least I still have food to eat" I said and happily continued eating my fish. They all smiled and ate their fishes too.

Once we finished eating, the rain rained even heavier. Even though we have fire, it still feels so cold.

"I guess its time for bed?" Ray asked and we nodded. We slept on the cold ground and I shivered. Ray cuddled me and I smiled against his warmth.

"Hey! No fair!" Kanato said and cuddled me too. Xander said nothing but cuddled me too.

I felt really warm since I was squished against three (muscular and hot) guys. I felt as if everything happening right now was a dream. I began to fall asleep when a huge lighting struck just right out the cave.

I squeaked and hugged them tightly. I buried my face onto someone's chest and looked up. It turned out to be Ray and he stroked my head lovingly.

Meanwhile, Xander hugged my waist and began falling asleep. Kanato just buried his whole face into my boobs and I blushed.

We began falling asleep just like that and I dreamt of many happy things. I can't help but wonder 'What's gonna happen tomorrow?'

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