Chapter 14, 'Cut them each a smile,'

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1st May, Small Heath, Birmingham.

The busy surroundings of the shop were what kept Libby going throughout the day. She had been working alongside John since about eight and it was about twelve now. Tommy had been gone all morning doing the powered trick like Libby and him had planned yesterday evening. So far it was all working out fine. Every bet had come for Mohognony Boy. Tommy walked into the betting den and had started to go around to make sure everyone was doing their job correctly. He quickly made his way to John and John started showing him the book. Libby looked at Tommy with a proud smile that their plan had worked out as they had hoped.

"Tommy," Arthur shouted. "Tommy," He continued, "Get in here now." Tommy followed Arthur to his offices as Libby and John shared a look. Even though Libby had been in Small Heath just under two weeks, she and John got on the best. He was like an older brother rather than an uncle and his kids loved their new cousin who babysat them a couple of times.

"What's he done now, Eh Eli," John shouted over the loud talking in the betting den.

"Power trick, But Arthur doesn't seem happy about it," Libby shouted back.

"When is Arthur ever happy?"

After a couple of minutes, Tommy and Arthur reappeared, with Arthur shouting, "I've called a family council at 8 o'clock. I want everybody there." Tommy stormed out of the betting shop.

"What crawled up his arse and died the day, Jo?" Libby asked John while laughing at how her father and uncle were behaving with each other.

You hear me, there's trouble coming." Arthur finished shouting as Tommy slipped out of view.

Polly had sent Libby to find her father after what had happened between him and Arthur. She had asked a few Blinders if they knew where Tommy had gone and most pointed her in the direction of the Garrison so that was where she decided to start.

Walking down Garrison Lane everybody moved out of her way. It was clear that they were scared of her family name. Upon entering the Garrison she spotted her dad straight away. He was standing next to a familiar face, Freddie Thone. "Only sometimes my horse stands a chance of winning." Tommy snapped. Libby had caught Freddie's eye as she walked to stand at her dad's side. Tommy put his arm around Linny like it was second nature. He brought her close to him and Harry shot her a small, polite smile.

Freddie came close to Tommy's ear as said quietly but loud enough so Libby could hear him and said, "You know there are days where I hear about the cuttings and the beatings and I wish I let you take that bullet in France." Libby knew what he was doing. He was trying to make Tommy seem like a monster in front of his daughter but Libby didn't listen to him and leant her head against her father's chest.

"You know there are days where I wish you had," Tommy replied as he put his head on top of Libby. It was a small show of affection but Libby knew it meant he loved her and was happy to be her dad.

The quiet state of the Garrison was shortly disturbed by Danny whizz-bang. He had shell shock, a common mental health problem that came from PTSD from the war. Tables were destroyed and glasses were smashed. Tommy and Freddie were both trying to calm him down. It frightened Libby how one minute he was a normal man and the next he was a wrecking machine that destroyed everything in its path. She was grateful that none of her uncles or father did not have that kind of shell shock but Libby was still woken up by the shouts of Tommy and Arthur through the night. Libby had tried to comfort her dad on numerous occasions throughout the night. A Lot of the time she would have to wake him up then lay next to him and play with his hair until he fell asleep. Then in the morning, Libby would wake up under the blanket in Tommy's bed without him.

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