2 | Friday Night Friends

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Instagram story posted by sinead:


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"I can't believe your leaving us" Sinead sighed taking the glass of wine that Naomi handed to her. "and for nine months, I could have a baby in that time and you wouldn't even know" mason added on slumping back in the couch taking a huge bite of pizza.

"Aww mason the day you have a child is the day pigs will fly" Naomi joked finally sitting down with her friends, On the couch. The tv playing like a white noise machine in the background as the trio of friends chatted and ate together. Happily spending their last night together before Naomi left to film in La.

"Hey I will have kids just when I find the right guy and right now my male options are little to none" mason defended herself holding her hand in front of her mouth to hide the fact that she still had a small mouthful of pizza. Sinead sighed and shook her head "you've had some great 'male options' in the past, like what was wrong with that guy you met in trader joes"

Mason shook her head "he was a yoga instructor..way to hot to be husband material, I can't marry a guy that looks like he fell from heaven my self esteem would plummet"

"And anyway I don't need kids when I can just hang out with yours and then give them back" mason added on gesturing towards the two young boys currently smashing two fire engines together.

Naomi smiled before looking back to mason "you have a point actually" mason nodded rolling her hand around in a regal manner before bowing from her seat. Sinead scoffed "she said you made a point you didn't just perform at a ballet calm down with the Bowing"

Mason frowned at Sinead then turning to Naomi only to find her smiling down at her phone, texting someone.


Text message from 'Chris Evans'
(2 people)

You'll never guess what my mom found today

Naomi:No way does your mom still have that, we look like Babies, momma Evans is truly something special

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No way does your mom still have that, we look like Babies, momma Evans is truly something special

I'd forgotten all about it until she sent it to me this morning, can't believe it's been nearly ten years.

I know it feels like forever since I've been in Boston it'll be nice to finally see you again soon


"What's got you smiling at your phone" sinead asked taking a long sip of wine.

"Nothing just Chris sent me a photo of us in high school, here" Naomi lifted her phone so sinead and mason could see the picture, mason took the phone from her hand and grinned "god your such a poser"

"And your not?" Naomi snapped back with a smirk, mason shrugged smiling "well played Devon well played"
Sinead laughed at the picture as she took the phone from mason, so she could have a better look. "Why were you cute in high school that's so unfair" Sinead whined handing Naomi back her phone. But Naomi just shook her head tucking the phone back into her pocket.

Suddenly a thud and a small cry came from behind them, Naomi looked back to where the boys had been playing. Sinead's kid Harrison was stood up looking down at Zach who sat in a crumpled mess on the floor, tears bubbling his eyes. Naomi already knew what had happened not needing to question it. Zach had been learning to walk and although he was getting better, now being able to walk a few steps without help he still was wobbly when he stood. He fell often.

Naomi stood from her seat and walked around the couch lifting Zach up wiping his tears with a smile, "your okay love" she soothed walking back to the couch and sitting down. Resting Zach in her lap. Harrison followed behind climbing up onto the couch, and snuggling into the curve in the couch. He quickly noticed the pizza on the coffee table and looked over to his mom but she already knew what he was going to say and just shook her head. "You already had dinner this pizza Is a spicy one for grown ups"

Mason smirked taking a sip of her wine, she wanted nothing more than to expose the blatant lie Sinead was telling her child. But she knew Sinead would get annoyed with her,so she held her tongue.

The three friends chatted aimlessly for a while longer until it because apparently obvious that the two boys where getting closer and closer to bedtime as their eyes started drooping, and their heads fell onto pillows.
Zach being the youngest was the first to fully fall asleep, so Naomi excused herself for a minute so she could put him to bed.

His iron man sheets on full display, she couldn't help but laugh at them. Zach had never seen iron man or the avengers but as soon as he saw the bright red sheets in the store he wouldn't stop until Naomi bought them. After tucking Zach in Naomi walked back into the living room of her apartment to find Sinead trying to get Harrison to wake up and get his coat on while mason booked an Uber.

"Hey we're gonna head out and let you sleep, have fun with your early flight" sinead joked hugging Naomi after she finally got her son into his coat. Naomi nodded with a smirk before moving to hug mason. "I'm gonna miss you" mason squeezed Naomi into the hug.

Naomi smiled pulling back "I'll miss you two but you can always come and visit me" naomi grinned as mason nodded. She follows her Friends as they moved towards her front door pulling it open and walking out. Naomi bid them farewell watching as they walked down the hall and disappeared around the corner heading for the elevator.

Once she had watched her friends leave Naomi closed her door and cleaned up the empty pizza boxes and wine glasses. Before she finally got changed and tucked herself into bed.


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A/n: just going to make something clear so this part makes more sense. Both Naomi and Chris have been texting since they found out Naomi was cast as Sharron about two months before this book starts. So he didn't just send her a picture of them out of the blue.

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