Authors Note

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I have been published!

I know the whole point of this site is because it's free, but it would mean so much to me if you go and buy it too ! :] Me personally, i love reading things in a legit book format, and I hope you will too.

                           Trust me, you don't want to stop reading at this point in the book.

                            So many things happen, and I promise you won't regret it. :D

Buy it on:

Also on Amazon. :) <3 Thanks for supporting me. You're all the best.

And if you cannot afford it, or any other reason, do not cry! I have uploaded chapters 30-47 a LONG time ago because I was getting tons of msg's about how people wanted me to e-mail the rest to them. Well no more emailing! The rest of the book has been uploaded and 47 is the final one!

Hope this clears stuff up!



From The Start (1st Draft)Where stories live. Discover now