Chapter 16 - Act like I'm special again

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Danny's POV

I gulped, 'There's nothing to talk about.' I moved past him, trying to avoid what was to come.

He stopped me, 'Come on, Danny, talk to me.' His hand on my arm.

I couldn't look at him as I moved my arm away, 'Why should I? There's nothing to talk about.' I started for the living room again, intent on cleaning up the mess Alex was sure to have made.

'What do you mean nothing to talk about?' His voice raised, his accent becoming thicker and sending shivers down my spine as I put the dishes together, Jay following me to the living room, 'Like two hours ago you were giving me this speech about how hurt you were and how you wanted more from me, and now you're fucking other guys?!' I dropped what I had on the coffee table, turning to him again. This was gonna be a long night.

'You know what? You're so fucking confusing. I'm done blaming this whole thing on me getting my hopes up, this is as much your fault as it is mine!' I picked everything up again, heading past him to the kitchen, 'I wouldn't get mixed signals if it wasn't for your constant touching and acting like a jealous boyfriend whenever some guy comes near me! I mean how the hell did you expect me not to feel anything at all when you always act like my knight in shiny armour.' I dropped the dishes with a loud clunk on the sink and turned to him, 'So no, Jason, there is nothing to talk about. I still want things from you that you can't give me, so what do you expect from me? I'm meant to be moving on and forgetting what happened between us, aren't I?'

He seemed taken aback, just staring at me speechless. He was silent for a long time then he chuckled softly, 'God, it's good to hear you shout at me like that again. You being mad at me is way better than not hearing your voice at all...' He admitted, voice low and I gulped, looking away. He looked up at me, piercing me with his gaze, 'Why do you have to forget it, was it really that terrible?' I took a deep breath, not quite able to look him in the eye.

'It was a dream until I woke up to you leaving without saying anything.' I mumbled, walking past him again. I had meant everything I said earlier, being around him was difficult. I constantly felt like running from him, trying to avoid being in the same room as him because it was just too suffocating.

'Danny I—'

I stopped him, fluffing the pillows on the couch, 'I really am not in the mood to hear it again, Jay. You asked a question and I gave you the answer, I don't want explanations or apologies.' I picked up the blanket from the couch and running from him again, went to my bedroom to put it away.

'But you're not listening to me! You never do!' His voice started to rise again, following me around the house as I started folding the blanket, 'You didn't even let me explain, you just started assuming things and running away from me.'

I scrunched up the blanket in anger and threw it on the bed, 'Oh yeah? Then tell me, Jay. What possible explanation could make me magically forgive you for everything and just move on from this? What was going through your head when you, straightest guy in the world apparently, decided to sleep with me? And don't you dare say it was a thing of the moment, because we'd gotten close to it before!' I put my hands on my hips waiting for him to say anything, he just stared at me, mouth opening and closing. 'Go on, you want a chance to speak so badly, well go on, now's your chance!'

His mouth snapped shut and glared, 'Well I can't do it while you're shouting at me looking all mad! I have to do this calmly, not with you almost crawling up the walls in rage!' He snapped at me.

I felt one of my eyes tick, 'Oh I'm perfectly calm!' I picked up the blanket again, tried to fold it, failed, threw it down in rage, 'I'm so fucking calm, I could just keep screaming at you until the sun comes up!'

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