Smosh FanFic: Fatherly Fail

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A man wakes up from the sound of thunderous banging coming from outside of his front door.

"Help! Please!! Anybody?!"

Ian Hecox hears a young girl's voice.

"What the- It's around 2-fuckin'-am!" He said as the banging on his front door continued and gradually grew louder.

He jumped out of his bed and walked to his door.

Before he could even grab the doorknob, the banging stopped. And the girl's sobbing was a lot easier to listen to now.

"This is hopeless.. I'm better off dead. I'm better off dead!"

Ian saw the girl sitting in front of his door. Crying and sobbing intensely.

"What the hell is going on?" Ian thought to himself.

Later then, he hears a car screeching nearby.

He noticed the girl stood up and tremble hard. Her backpack was still lying down on his front door.

"The kid is probably here! Hurry up and let's finish her off!!" A stern voice echoed. Guns being loaded was heard too.

What does the man mean by 'finish her off'?

Ian shakily unlocked his door and grabbed the girl and her bag inside his house.

As soon as he locks it shut, he covered her ears, and sat behind the window.

"WHERE THE HECK IS THAT CHILD?!" The voice cried.

"Maybe she's still running to the other streets, we'll catch up!" Said another man.

The car vroomed away and it's headlights vanished.

Whew. . They're gone . .

"Are you okay, kid?" He said as he faces her.

He saw fear and sadness in her eyes.

Geez, she sure saw bad crap in front of her eyes.

"T.. You . ." She mumbled softly.

"Um.. sorry?"

"Thank you . . So much.."

Ian didn't know what to do.

It was 2am, should he call for the cops? Ask help from a neighbor?

While he was thinking what to do, he soon felt the girl fall asleep on him.

Ian finally decides to wait for Anthony Padilla, his best friend and fellow partner in their Youtube Channel, and maybe he'd be more help.

He carries the girl up, "Now where do you sleep?"


Ian's front door knocked around 9am. He shoots up from his bed and ran to his door as fast as he could.

"Finally!" Ian said under his breath.

"So, about this text I got from you. Nice try." Anthony pats his best friend's shoulder then passes by him.

"What do you mean, Nice try? I'm dead serious about my text, Anthony." Ian said as he closed the door behind him.

"Then prove it to me." Anthony smirks at him.

"Alright." Ian stomps to the hall and led Anthony to his room. And in a split second, Anthony's eyes widen.

Before him was the young girl Ian took in earlier; sleeping soundly under the bed sheets.

"WHERE DID YOU KIDNAP THIS KID?!" Anthony whispered sternly at Ian.

"I didn't kidnap her, I didn't have a choice!" Ian replied as softly as he could. But deep inside, he knew he had a choice.

"Well, what happened then?!"

Ian explained what had occured hours ago. But Anthony didn't seem to lighten up on him even a bit.

"So, you're telling me that you took in this random kid early in the morning because you heard a bunch of dudes in car and assumed they were going to kill her? DIDN'T YOU AT LEAST THOUGHT IT THROUGH? They could've been her uncles for god's sake!" Anthony said as he crashed on their sofa.

"Anthony, I know what I heard. If you were in my place and saw how traumatized this girl was, you would have done the same thing I did. If you're not going to help me, then fine! Let me freak out alone and deal with this myself!"

"You're not the only one who's freaking out! And I wont let you deal with this on your own. We both know you can't." Anthony sat up and looked back at Ian with his straight face.

Anthony was right, and besides, Ian is scared enough.

"Alright, Ian, listen. We have a video shooting later this afternoon. We can't just leave the girl here alone, we have to get rid of her-"

"Get rid of me?"

Anthony and Ian turned their heads upon hearing a young girl's voice.

*editted 6/3/2014

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