Chp.12 Lets Go Home Senpai

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And so, summer break ended for a couple of weeks, almost a month I should say, as all the students went back to school and yet taking new terms of the test as well...after school, (YN) was already making his way back home after a long first day on finishing up new terms...

(YN): Oh man, what a day, the first day of the new terms was a pain in the as, but manage to get through it. Guess I'll go home and play some Doom Eternal since there's no homework given. Hmmm, that makes me wonder, I haven't seen Nagatoro in a cool while, she usually or say alway with me during school and-

Nagatoro: Again? Didn't he asked you like last week?

Suddenly, he heard Nagatoro's voice, and soon to realize seeing Nagatoro, alongside with her friends with her sitting down on the bench...

(YN): Oh, there she is. And she's with her friends, and hey, Sakura as, now the whole group is together now that Sakura is with with them.

He was hiding behind the tree, spying on Nagatoro as he sees her laughing and smiling a lot...and that made him blush a little, and yet...he started to have memoirs from him and her, of how they always be together almost the whole day during school....soon he shakes his head...

(YN) Mind: She's been around with me more lately...but we live in totally different worlds. It's being a lone wolf living in the dark and wanting to live in peace...and get interrupted in the midst of a gathering Jaguars like them. *sighs* Oh well, guess I'll see her tomorrow...or later...right now she's having fun with her friends

But before he even leaves....he motets two other male teenagers arriving with the girls...

Boy #1/2s What sup!

Sakura: Sup!

(YN) Mind: Or maybe I've spoken too soon.

He then sees the two boys sitting down next to the girls, one next to Yoshi and Gamo, and the other next to Nagatoro and Sakura...

Boy #2: Oh man! Today was tiring! Damn I'm tired.

Sakura: Sheesh, are you trying to gain sympathy already?

Boy #1: Hehe, yup, we worked pretty damn hard!

Nagatoro: two haven't even been going to the clubs like that.

Gamo: Yeah, and the President was about to snap.

Boy #1: I know right! She's pretty scary!

(YN) gets closer and hiding behind the tree without being noticed...

(YN) Mind: Well they seem to be fitting. They always like to hang out with girls so effortlessly.

Suddenly, he heard one of the boys talking to Nagatoro...

Boy #1: Say Hayacchi, wanna hang out?

Nagatoro: ...Nah, I think I'll pass.

Boy #1: Oh come on now, it'll be fun.

Boy #2: Yeah, want me to come along if you don't want to go one-on-one? Wanna join Yoshi?

Yoshi: I-I Uh!

Sakura: Hehe, I don't mind.

Boy #2: Sweet!

Suddenly, the other boy wrapped his arms around Nagatoro, making her feel uncomfortable...

Boy #1: Sweet! The it's settled.

Nagatoro felt more uncomfortable and not cool with it, having a boy wrapped his hands over he pushed him away...

18Y/O Hayase Nagatoro x Male Senpai ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now